Chapter 17

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Hiccup's POV

The gang and I walked through the village. I watched people carry on with their ways of life, with no worries disrupting them. I was unsure of what to do, there is no way I could be certain that the vision Fishlegs saw was real or when it would happen. 

"Hey, does anyone smell burning?" Tuff asked. Everyone's attention was brought to him. 

"Yeah, it must be the hall or something" Snotlout shrugged.

"Yeah or it could be that weird black cloud-like thing" Ruff said, pointing at the sky. 

Everyone's attention diverted to the sky. There was a massive black smoke cloud drifting through the sky. I looked along the horizon, it's coming from an island, but not just any island.

"It's coming from Outcast Island" Astrid stated.

"You know what that means" I said, looking at the group.

"That Outcast Island is on fire?" Tuff asked.

"No. It means it's Y/n" Astrid corrected.

"So Y/n can shape-shift into a smoke cloud, whoa that's cool" Ruff remarked. I rolled my eyes.

"It means that Y/n has caused the fire" I said. 

"Ohhhh" The twins said in unison. 

Gobber landed to the side of us, appearing to be out of breath. He stumbled off his dragon and wore panic on his face.

"Gobber, what's wrong?" I asked. 

"Something bad has happened" He panted. I looked to the group. 

"Come on, sit down" I said, helping him sit on a step.

"What happened?" Astrid asked.

"I was checking the sky, since I saw that smoke cloud. I chose to explore and saw that the people of Outcast Island had been slaughtered. The forest was set alight, killing any creatures that happened to live there" Gobber explained, panic in his voice.

"That can't be good" Snotlout stated.

"We have to go to Outcast Island, It's possible there might be a few survivors" I announced.

"But Hiccup, It's outcast island" Astrid stated.

"Yeah, we hate those guys" Tuff groaned.

"They tried to kill us, remember?" Ruff slurred.

"Yes, I know that. But that was all Alvin and his clang. I'm talking about the innocent people who lived there" I justified.

"I checked, the whole island was burnt to the ground" Gobber said.

"Well it's only Outcast Island. What importance do they have there?" Snotlout responded. 

"It wasn't just Outcast Island" Gobber said, supporting himself.

"You see, it wasn't just Outcast Island" Tuff pointed out, clearly not understanding what Gobber meant.

"Gobber, what do you mean?" Astrid asked.

"What I mean is that Outcast Island wasn't the only island that was destroyed" Gobber stated. I frowned.

"How many?" I asked.

"I could see at least five. Just in this area" He said. Fishlegs whimpered.

"What's wrong with him?" Gobber asked, looking at Fishlegs.

"He claims he saw the end of Berk. He thinks the build up will start soon" Astrid explained.

"No. It's already started" Fishlegs whimpered.

The Night Furys' Revenge (reader x hiccup)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora