Chapter Nine|Doctor appt/Date

886 26 7

May, 2017

Two weeks later....

Sha'quria pov°
I'm so excited chance ask me out on a date, and I get to check on my baby. I'm just sitting here waiting for the bell to ring.

I look down at my phone to see I got a text from char and chance. I blush just looking at his name.

|| Text Convo ||

Me: Yes char

Char❤️😜:Bitch I'm ready to see my baby 😍

Me: Me too ❤️

Chance 😍😘: I can't wait to see you is it okay if I take you to your appointment?

I stare at his text as my heart race. I don't even know what to say.

Me:Omg char your brother want to take me to my appointment 😱

Char❤️😜: What 😨 hold up he think he slick he ain't about to still my babies from me 😑

Me: Lmao you stupid 😂

Chance😍😘: you must told my sister she called my phone going off till ma told her leave me alone 🤣

Me:Omg y'all crazy but yea you can take me can she come

Chance😍😘: I guess but I'm dropping her ass back off #clockblocker

Me:Lmao okay see you after school

Chance😍😘: When do you take your tests

Me:This month, we graduate at the end of this month tho I can't wait

Chance 😍😘:That's wassup so what you wanna do after school

Me:go to college I want to be florist I wanna own my flower shop

Chance 😍😘:That's cool is that all you wanna do

Me:yea but I have other plans

Chance 😍😘: Like

Me:well I wanna get married, all that good stuff lol

Chance 😍😘: see we the same they say two minds that thinks alike makes a good couple

Me: oh you want the same huh

Chance 😍😘:Of course

Me:oh okay I hope you find that special someone

Chance 😍😘: maybe I already have I just gotta win her heart and show her that good guys still exist

Me: you got me blushing 😌

Chance 😍😘: that's a good thing I'm one more step closer

Me:I'm on my way out the school the bell is about to ring

Chance 😍😘: Okay I'm picking up char now

Me: Okay

Char❤️😜: Will you stop texting my brother dang 😒


Char❤️😜: I get in the car he up here blushing and shit showing all them damn teeth in his mouth😣

Me:lmao okay boo but I'm ready

Char❤️😜: Alright we're on our way

Me: okay

A weird number called my phone, I answer it.

|| Phone Convo||


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