She pulled a stack of thirty dollars from the last drawer when John came back down. A thrilled grin rested on his face, like a child in a candy store.

They hastily made their way out, and ran into the trees, not daring to breath a word until they were out of earshot.

As soon as they stopped, John turned to her. "My gosh, what a haul. Might be the most loaded house I've ever robbed," he said, panting.

Jane was also out of breath from running. "I found two hundred in the chimney and a gold pocket watch. And harmonica."

John laughed in disbelief. "Dutch is gonna be mighty happy."

"That he is," she said, then whistled for her horse.

John did the same. They would be worried that the men could hear them, but with the distance, and the roaring fire near them, they didn't have much to worry about.

They soon approached them. After giving him a pat, she mounted up on Apollo, and they rode to camp.


But Dutch wasn't that interested in them. Arthur and the others had returned from the bank robbery, and they had made ten thousand dollars for the camp, with twenty thousand total. That made her and John's 150 to the camp seem insignificant.

Dutch was clapping them all on the back, as others congratulated them. John and Jane stayed back a bit, but neither would admit that they were slightly jealous.

Dutch stood in front of his tent, addressing everyone. "Well, ladies and gentlemen, look at what these four did today! One more big score like this, and we'll have enough to disappear. Good work, all of you!"

After the crowd thinned a bit, Arthur made his way over to the two. "How're you guys doing?"

John was the one to answer. "Good. Made a decent sum from a house robbery today. Obviously not as much as you guys made, because it's a homestead, but it was pretty decent. Jane's turning out to be a pretty good thief."

Arthur nodded, but also looked surprised. "I didn't know you were going on a robbery today," he said to Jane.

She had been quiet up to this point. "I didn't know you were going on the bank robbery."

And at that, John excused himself.

"I got up a bit earlier than usual, and Bill asked if I wanted to go," he explained cautiously. "Must've slipped my mind to tell you. But I didn't want to worry you."

"It worries me when I wake up and you're not next to me, and then no one knows where you are expect Herr Strauss." It felt like someone had struck a match inside her.

"I'm sorry, Jane. I don't know what to tell you." His voice wasn't very apologetic. Just like he was being inconvenienced. "But I really don't have the energy to fight with you."

The match inside seemed to ignite her insides. But, she tried to damped it, for his sake. "Fine."

He was still for a moment, but then gave her a kiss, which she responded too, but wasn't sure if she wanted.

"Better?" He asked.

She was silent. All of a sudden, the ground became very interesting.

He groaned. "Oh, Jane. What can I do to make it up to you?"

She just shrugged.

So, he swung her up into his arms. She was surprised, and stiffened.

He brought her over to his bed, where he sat down, setting her on his lap. "Darling, will you please tell me what's bothering you?"

His gentle figure and warm embrace seemed to dull some of the turmoil inside her. She rested his hand in her lap, tracing it with her dainty fingers.

"I... I don't know. I was talking to John this morning, and it made me realize a few things."

He pulled her closer, his arm wrapped around her waist. "Like what?"

She paused. "Well, I want to have a proper relationship with you. But I also know we can't quite do that, because... of the TB. So I'm just conflicted, I guess."

He nodded. "I understand. But we can still have a proper relationship. I'll show you. One of these days, I will."

Jane was a bit apprehensive at these words.  "What does that mean?"

He chuckled. "You'll just have to wait and see."

Those words should make her feel a sense of security, but for some reason, they made her feel a bit anxious.

Why was she so apprehensive all of a sudden? She wasn't on her period, so why did she feel weird around him?

It was like her mind was fighting itself. She felt sort of closed off to him, but she found comfort in his touch.

"Whatever you say," she said after a moment, leaning her head into his shoulder as he planted a kiss on her forehead.

But as soon as she got a whiff of him, she reeled back. "My God, Arthur. Have you taken a bath in the last month?"

He gave her a look. "I dunno. Probably."

"Well, go take one."

He laughed in disbelief. "Now?"

She pushed herself of his lap and stood up. "Now."

He grunted as he stood up. "You're absolutely ridiculous, woman."

She just scoffed as he walked past, bumping her hip into his.

He grabbed a set of clothes, and giving her a look, set off to the secluded bath area. The camp had invested in one after everyone began to smell of sweat and manure.

And at one look of the bed, she decided to wash the sheets. If he's getting clean, might as well was those.


Later that night, Jane laid in the cot, alone. Arthur and a few other guys, had gone on some job at the Grays. Again, he didn't tell her much. It was beginning to get on her nerves.

His big winter coat was pulled tightly over her. For some reason, it was freezing that night. She craved for his body heat.

She dozed off, with anxiety resting in her stomach. Nonetheless, sleep still seemed to claim her.

She dozed off, still shivering in the chilly night air.

Her head was filled with restless dreams. Some were about Arthur, and others were about shootouts. Visions of her father and mother fighting filled her sleeping mind.

But they were all calmed when she felt the familiar presence of Arthur. Hours had passed since she fell asleep, but it felt like seconds.

He slid into bed next to her, pulling a quilt over the both of them and snuggling close to her.

He smelled of moonshine and fire, which worried her, but she decided that questions could wait until the morning.

"Anytime, Cowgirl." : Arthur Morgan X OCWhere stories live. Discover now