eight-"Take me to disneyland"

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I was in P.E. when Mr. Trouble poured mustard sauce all over me.That moron. I tell you.

But you know, revenge in my middle name.huh! 

So, I took some frog eggs (Thanks to school having biology laboratories) and there they go in Mr. Trouble's brand new shoes. 

And thank god, it's friday. That means no more trouble for the weekend (quite literally).*sigh*

I sat on the gym bench and watched him step into the goey liquid of frog eggs after the shower.  

So, what if I had to go a severe stay-away-from-spoilt-tomato-ritual and so what, if I faced a threat of getting caught while stealing frog eggs. The look of his precious face when he stepped into the shoes and the cringed look he gave when he picked up the eggs in his hands to examine, was priceless.

Without lifting his face and screeched, "bloodyyyyyyyyyy hell".


I was saturday and Hailey had a date and I was not at all thrilled because well I wanted her to end up with Tristy but whatever. She made that puppy dog face and promised to buy me lunch for the next week.

So, being the good sweet person I am, I decided to help her. After all that's what bestfriends do. right?

But seriously, I don't get why should would even need me. I know nothing about make-up and she doesn't let me put heat on her hair. How was I supposed to help her. All me, kylie and the boys ever do is scare away the date,with threats that we could make murder look like suicide.

If Kylie was here, the boy would be six feet already. That girl's a ninja. 

Anyway, Hails called me an hour ago and told me to be there in five. I am tiny wittle girlyy, how I am supposed to accomplish so much in so wittle time. 

So, here I am walking instead of taking the car, because I save money. And taking the longer route because I really don't want her to date anyone other than Tristy.(and also because I saw a hot-redhead walk this walk). It's been an hour, Hails will kill me.

Two blocks away from Hails and an hour and a half later. I saw Mr.pink lips on his bike. .He may be pretty, but the boy messed with my food. so,nah.

He was coming to me.

I swear if he tries something.......

I bet this piece of shit wants revenge. He was dressed in a white T-shirt with folded sleeves and  navy blue pants. Was he going somewhere?

Wait, can it be what I think it can be?

He drove to my side in this bike and wiggled his brows. I realized I was staring like a mute and so I bent my hips and held my waist, in what I like to think, was a intimidating gesture.

"what up buddy" I said while doing a yo-yo gesture with my hands. wtf Van what is it even supposed to mean. 

He smirked at me. Irritating fella.

"what makes you smirk, pig. You are not even wearing a helmet"I screeched at him.

He shrugged. So, I did the smartest thing possible. I sneezed on his face.

yay! me.

Then, I ran. Toward's Hailey's ofcourse. Ugh, what happened to my peaceful(not) weekend. 

When I finally got here, Hails was already dolled up. She shook her head at me , disappointedly. I kissed her cheeks in apology. she sighed. The usual. Derek pulled me on the couch, where he was vediochatting with Kylie. Kylie looked sexy btw. Turns out she had a date with someone from Granny's neighbourhood. It was a play date though, nothing serious.

She looked flustered. 

"Am I the only one, who never goes out on dates" I asked.

"yes, cz you scare guys away" Tristen said.

I rolled my eyes at him.

"or maybe it's because she wears an attitude that is guy-repellent in itself" Hails added.

"Oh, remember back in seventh grade when Gale asked her to go out?" Derek excitedly added.

Oh, please don't start about that now.

"yeah, she told him to take her to disneyland"Kylie said through the vediochat.

"She told him and I quote,'I will smear your insides with tuna.and I will fish your intestine with a fishing-hook and I play skipping rope with it. Believe me, it will be a very slow and painful death.if don't take me to disneyland." Derek added.

ughh. I did not say that.

"And she did try to force-feed him tuna" Tristen said while laughing.

"No, I did not" I protested. 

"I have it on vedio" Hails said.


"Dude, I need some ice-cream" I said.

"Me, too" Derek followed me.

Hails was now doing the nervous dance. I mean dude, it's JUST a date and it's not even a date with Tristen. What are you nervous for? IT'S NOT LIKE YOU HAVE EVER BEEN ON A DATE, HOW WOULD YOU KNOW. my inner self protested.

The bell rang. 

Me and the boys were suddenly in action.

and people there goes our routine.

Derek got his cowboy hat and a baseball hat. 

I recovered my pink gipsy wig and the fake moustach.

and Tristen got the pirate's black eye patch and the huge rifel, Haileys dad has.

Hailey sighed. she has seen this too many times.

I opened the door as we all posed dramatically in weird postures in front of the door.

The boy on the door immediately yelped in surprise. I think he got a heart-attack.

"YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU"I yelled when I saw the boy. I think he wasn't the only one who got the heart-attack.



ps- it's actually surprising the kind of things you can get on the internet, look below. and THIS IS NOT VANESSA.


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