thirty six

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*i can't believe im actually writing this. i was gone for a looooong time. i completely lost motivation for this story until a couple weeks ago, but that was ruined by my mom reading it. i hadn't really told her i liked girls yet, so that was huge for me and kind of scared me away for a little longer. i have finally decided to return and will be updating as often as i can. thank you for being so patient and thank you for 50k reads while i was gone! that's absolutely crazy!

apologies, and enjoy :)

the room was dark but we didn't bother finding a light switch. the walls were decorated with paintings and lined with cabinets filled with expensive china sets and jewelry boxes. it seemed to be a spare room as a bare mattress lay in the large gothic bed frame.

my bare back hit the mattress as i felt billie's lips travel across my neck. i pulled off her t-shirt before she pulled off her shorts and watched as she straddled my waist, beginning to leave hickeys across my chest. we giggled as we returned each others kisses, the heat of our bodies being the only thing to stop us from shivering. billie hands explored my body, and she giggled again as she was about to remove the remains of my clothes. that was, until we heard the playback of our voices from the door.

both of our heads jolted up as a figure stood in the door frame, a phone in their hands. they bolted down the corridor, leaving us speechless.

my heart began pounding as billie threw her clothes back on and raced out of the room to follow them.

"bella!" her voice echoed through the halls. i immediately threw on my clothes as my first instinct was so chase after billie.

why did we ever trust her?

i noticed billies shoes still on the floor and gathered mine and hers, not bothering to put mine on. i stood in the door frame, watching billies dark hair fall behind her shoulders as she ran down the stairs. i kept my eyes on her, occasionally peering ahead, but there was no sign of bella anywhere.

i began frantically pushing through the crowd, most likely making a bad name for myself in front of all these important people, but that didn't matter right now.

people stared at me with concern, but were having too good of a time to ruin their night with some teenaged girls.

i managed to reach billie when a crowd of people stopped her in her path. i reached for her hand, making her turn towards me and revealing the tears down her cheeks.

"she's gone, bil." i almost whispered, a crack in my voice.

"no, no, no. this isnt happening." billie looked around, attempting to make her way forward again. i called her name but she ignored me, still holding tightly onto my hand.

"billie, shes gone." i said a little louder. two more tears streamed down her cheeks. those tears turned to waterfalls as she collapsed into my arms, suddenly alerting everyone around us. she hid her face in humility, not knowing where that video was going to go. we both knew one thing for certain, bella wasn't going to keep it for herself.

people who recognised billie must have spread the message, because within five minutes maggie was fishing us out of the crowd to where we found patrick and finneas standing.

we explained everything that happened, both of us shaking and gaining the attention of everyone around us. the majority of the party was still going on, but the odd few people were trying to help us.

someone who was outside said they saw a concerned looking girl in adidas get into an uber outside the house about fifteen minutes before, which was around the time bella vanished. maggie called the company to try and get information on where she might be going, but the information was "confidential".

an hour passed with no luck of finding bella. all we really wanted was to be in a private place. we took an uber back to the festival area at almost 1am, all tired and on edge.

"i fucking hate parties." billie mumbled under her breath as finneas lay a blanket over us on the sofa in our trailer. he looked at us with sympathy in his eyes before sitting on a chair across from us. we all stayed silent, listening to maggie and patrick talk.

"she could get arrested for this, couldn't she?"

"i'd like to think so."

we just waited, our lips constantly trembling in fear. billies arms were around me and mine were around her. we were trying our best to comfort eachother despite being equally as scared.

we didn't know what you could see in the video, we didn't know how long it was, we didn't even know if it was bright enough to see anything. everything was unclear, and the whole night was a waiting game to see what became of that video.

minutes faded into hours until we could see the sun rise. at almost 6am, maggie and patrick finally decided to call the police, just to see if anything could be done.

once they arrived, they informed us that it was going to be next to impossible to find bella. they explained that a description of her appearance wouldn't be enough to gain access to information about her whereabouts. they continued to explain that if the video was shared on social media, she could be reported and instagram would be in charge of the situation.

the police left the trailer, leaving us all shaken and lost. we knew that nothing could be done.

as the morning came and we hadn't managed to get any sleep, we began wondering if the video would be posted at all. we had all almost calmed down as we approached 8am, relatively content as patrick found us some food. the weather was surprisingly pleasant for ireland, the sun shining in on us through the trailer windows.

we laughed as we ate crêpes with tea and coffee. we let the problem go to the back of out heads.

maggie decided to post a video on her story of us all enjoying the morning of day 1 of the electric picnic.

maggie chuckled as she added the video to her story. i watched as her expression fell flat and she turned pale and ghostly.

"what is it, mom?" billie asked, trying her very best to sustain the smile on her lips, knowing exactly what maggie was about to say.

maggie removed her eyes from the screen, looking up at us all. as soon as billie saw her mom's face, she stood up, squeezing through the tight space between the sofa and the fold out table to where her mom stood. her eyes widened, prompting me to look too. i stood almost on top of billie as we watched the video play in maggies shaky hands. patrick and finneas covered their eyes, followed by maggie after a few seconds.

she almost shoved the phone at patrick, devastation in her voice as she demanded, "get rid of it. do something."

my eyes overflowed as billie pulled me into her arms, sobbing into my chest.

"don't worry girls, it's going to be okay." patrick reassured us, not in a very reassuring tone. we knew perfectly well this would be all over the media for weeks upon weeks, and thousands if not millions of fans would see billie's half naked body as well as mine.

if i love you was a promise | b.eWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu