Year 2- The Chamber, Lockhart incident, and the Heir

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They looked into the underground hole and Lockhart seeing Ron distracted tried to run away once again.  Hermoine held up her wand and Lockhart stumbled back to the hole, but before he fell in he grabbed the sides of a remaining sink that stood up.

"Now you wouldn't want to do this to a teacher would you?"

Hermione smirked, "Yes I think I would, hope you don't die down there.  On second thought, it wouldn't be a loss."

Hermione then pushed her wand a little on his chest and he fell into the hole disappears.  Harry and Ron just looked at her and she shrugged at them.  "It really isn't that big of a loss."  The silence settled as they appeared into the hole.

Lockhart's voice soon was heard, "It really is filthy down here..."

The three looked at each other and the two Gryffindors jumped.  "Why would I even follow?"  Hermione sighed to herself before jumping in after them.

They yelled as they slide on the tunnels down.  They all were on top of each other and got up brushing whatever stuff got on them in the landing.

Hermoine looked up at the almost straight tunnel they slide on. "We must be hundreds of feet under Hogwarts..." She then started exploring in fascination walking around the rooms but not completely leaving the other three that stood a little confused at everything they were seeing.

While Hermione was more interested in the room the other three was looking at a large old snake skin that was about fifty feet long.  The students didn't even notice Lockhart go up behind Ron and grab his wand from his hand.


"STAY BACK ALL OF YOU!" Lockhart shouted pointing at the other two students.  Hermione finally was paying attention and looked over at the commotion. 

"Please like were scared of you, you can't even do the simplest spells!" Harry said pointing his wand back at Lockhart.

"You should know I'm actually gifted in one spell, memory charms.  Now everyone won't know the truth.  All anyone would know is that three students tried to help the poor girl, but due to her already being dead it was too much for your minds to bear...And they'll call me a hero for saving three children who would be so lost without me."

Lockhart pointing it at Harry, "Let's start with Mr. Potter...OBLIVIATE!" Instead of the spell working like it should the wand backfired and threw Lockhart into the ceiling.  After he hit the ceiling the whole room started to shake and collapse around them.  Ron dove to the side dragging Lockhart away from the falling rocks.  Hermione looked and noticed Harry not moving so she ran and pushed him out of the way quickly following.  The rocks separated the group with Ron stuck with Lockhart.

"RON ARE YOU OKAY!" Harry yelled.

"YEAH!  I THINK LOCKHARTS WAKING UP!"  Harry and Hermione waited to hear muffled voiced before hear a loud thump.



"HEY RON HERMIONE AND I ARE GOING TO GO ON AND TRY TO FIND GINNY!  TRY TO MAKE A PATHWAY FOR US TO GET BACK!"  Harry yelled while starting to walk off.  Hermoine followed closely. 

"Remember Potter any movement close your eyes.  The stare of the snake can kill you." 

Harry nodded as they walked through the chamber.  Soon they came upon a large open area with holes on every side and a face of Slytherin on the back wall that stood large overlooking everything in the room.  Ginny was laying on the floor in the center clutching onto something, which Hermione knew.  

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