Year 6 - Pensieve and Merope

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"You wish to see me, Professor?" Harry said as he stood before Dumbledore in his office.

"Yes, Harry. Thank you for coming." Dumbledore got up and walked over to his cabinet that Harry knew held the Pensieve. 

"Sir, why exactly am I here?"

"You see Harry even darker times are coming and even I can't hold everything back forever. While I can't do much for you Harry, you can help me in a way. That could, in the end, help you survive."

"Help you with what?"

"Information Harry," Dumbledore finished and looked at the boy who just stood there confused.

"I won't go into everything right now, Harry today is after all just the first lesson. However to start I would like you to view a memory I gathered from Bob Ogden's, who worked for the Magical Law Enforcement many years ago." Dumbledore poured the memory into the Pensieve. 

"Sir, how will this help me?" Harry was confused as he watches Dumbledore.

"No, no, Harry this is how you can help a way," Dumbledore said and waved him over to the Pensieve. 

Harry hesitated for a second and then approached him and both leaned into the Pensieve. Soon both of them were standing on an old country lane, watching a plump man in glasses reading a wooden sign. Both follow the man as he walked the direction he decided to go. After a short walk, they came across a small dirty looking house. As they approach the house they hear voices speaking. 

While Ogden and Dumbledore could not understand what was being said, Harry could, but they were talking in hushed whispers to where Harry could only hear bits of pieces. They could see the Ogden felt very unwelcomed in his situation. Suddenly, a man rushed out of the small house. An old man cursing, Morfin's father, Gaunt. 

Ogden stands taller now, "I'm here to talk to Morfin and question him on his use to magic on a muggle. The ministry demands him to come in for questioning."

Another person shuffles out of the house a woman, who by all counts wasn't that pretty at all. Face full of bruises and cuts, face and body, a bit deformed. Odgen honestly felt sorry for the girl. Ogden remembering why he was there presented from his robes the Ministry summons for a hearing.

The man filled with rage walked closer to Ogden and shoved his hand in his face flashing an ugly gold ring in his face with a black stone sitting on top. Ogden gave no reaction and Gaunt even angrier pulled the girl, Merope, dragging her by the hair in front of Ogden pulling out a locket from her neck.

"Don't you know who we are we are the last line of Salazar Slytherin! A direct descendant! So what if my son cursed that worthless muggle!"

"It matters because it is breaking Ministry code, it could expose us to the muggle world. He must come in for questioning." Ogden tried that's when a younger man came out of the house now, Morfin.

"I only did what I had to do, so our line will not be tainted with dirty blood," Morfin said angrily.

"What are you talking about son?"

"Merope fancies herself that muggle."

"HOW DARE YOU GIRL!" In his horror and disgust and grabbed Merope and started strangling her. 

Ogden couldn't stand it anymore and jinxed the old man. The man stood up taking a knife out of his cloak and started chasing him. Ogden flees the house.

Soon Dumbledore and Harry were out of the Pensieve. "Sir, what happened after..."

"Ogden apparated back to the Ministry and returned quickly with reinforcements. Gaunt and Morfin were sentenced to Azkaban. Six months for Gaunt and three years for Morfin. Sentencing back then was lighter than it is now. Gaunt is also known as Marvolo Gaunt died in Azkaban his age playing into factor there. Morfin returned to the home once he was released and lived there until his death." Dumbledore explained the rest.

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