Chapter 4

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"Yeah... You got it. I'm Billie, nice to meet ya." She held her hand out for the girls to shake. Jayda quickly shook her hand while Gabby and Michelle just stared in disbelief. Billie kind off stood awkwardly for a second.

"So uh, you guys going to my performance on Friday?" She asked while turning to me.

"Oh! Uh, yeah! We were planning on it." I said with a bit of excitement evident in my voice.

"Good. I would be bummed if you guys didn't come." She chuckled a bit. She then happened to look at the clock in the hall and her eyes widened.

"Shit! I'm late! I was supposed to meet with the principal to talk about the concert thing!"

It was at this moment that Gabby and Michelle finally decided to speak up.

"Oh um, we're actually heading to the office to buy tickets to the thing on Friday if you wanna tag along..?" Gabby said quietly.

"Yeah, I can do that. Plus it'll be better to have you guys show me the way than to just be walking around the school looking stupid as hell." Billie said while nodding. We all started walking to the main office with Gabby and Jayda being the furthest ahead. Michelle was trying to keep up with Gabby and Jayda so she was in the middle, leaving Billie and I in the back of the group. I could see all the people who were already in the hallway staring at Billie in awe. I felt awkward walking next to her because of all of the attention she was receiving. Well, that is until she broke the silence.

"Ya know, you look really familiar to me... I can't put my finger on it, but I feel like I've seen you somewhere before. I mean, aside from this morning." She said. I saw her glancing at me from the corner of her eye.

"Oh yeah... Uh you might not remember it because it was a few weeks ago and you've got a busy life, but I did a cover of your song 'Wish You Were Gay.' You tagged me on Instagram, I think, so you might have just seen my face on my account." I said with a shrug. Her eyes widened a bit.

"Wait! You're the one who did the cover?? Holy shit I didn't even notice... That just made me sound like a jackass. Wow." She shook her head. I laughed a bit.

"It's completely fine. You have so many fans and so many new faces that you see constantly, I wouldn't expect you to remember mine." I smiled. She let out a sigh through pouted lips.

"Yeah, but you'd think I'd at least be able to remember the faces of the pretty people that do covers of my songs for me.." She said while shoving her hands in her pockets. I felt my face heat up a bit. Did she mean to compliment me or was it just a casual comment on my looks..? Before I could think anything more about it we had arrived at the main office. We all walked in and Billie turned to us.

"Well, it was cool talking to all of you guys and I can't wait to see you at the performance!" She said with a small smile. She waved before turning to walk toward the back part of the office, most likely going to a meeting room. After she had left, my friends and I turned to look at each other with wide eyes. None of us believed what had just happened

"What... Was that?! Avery! How were you so chill?!" Michelle exclaimed as Jayda and Gabby nodded.

"Uh... I don't know..? I kinda bumped into her this morning without knowing who it was. And she also kiiinda had to catch me to stop me from becoming one with the floor haha..." I explained with a small blush of embarrassment beginning to form.

"She had to... Catch you?" Gabby asked. I nodded a bit.

"That's so cute! It sounds like something that would happen in like... A romance movie or a cheesy fanfiction!" Jayda squealed. I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon guys. Chill. It was nothing like the way you're imagining it. I literally just tripped while trying to keep up with you and she just so happened to be standing there to help me." I sighed.

"Whatever. I'm still imagining it the way I wanna." Michelle pouted while I shook my head at the three girls.

"How about we just grab our tickets so we can get to our first period class?" I suggested.

"Oh yeah! I completely forgot that we were coming here for those tickets!" Michelle said. I nodded.

"Let's buy them and get outta here."


It was the end of the school day and everyone hurriedly left the building, happy that another day was over. I walked out the school doors by myself for once. Jayda, Michelle, and Gabby had all signed up to do some kind of volunteer work. I was going do it, but as luck would have it, I had a huge test in one of my classes tomorrow. None of the girls were taking it, so they didn't have to suffer with me.

I walked down the steps of the building, avoiding everyone else rushing around me. I was about to put in my earbuds when I saw a crowd of people standing over by the gate. I slowly made my way over to the crowd to see what the big deal was. I stood on my tip toes to see over the sea of people to see a familiar figure. She turned around with a smile, greeting everyone around her. As she turned in my direction, we locked eyes. Her smile widened a bit, it was barely noticeable if you weren't paying super close attention. I waved at her a bit and she gave me a small wave in return. I was going to talk to her, but I decided to wait until the crowd died down a bit.

After about ten minutes, the crowd finally thinned out until it was just Billie and I.

"Hey." I heard a voice say. I smiled as she walked over to the small bench I was on. She sat down next to me and peered at my phone for a second.

"Whatcha listening to?" She asked.

"Ah, nothing much... Just David Bowie..."

"David Bowie, huh? Man, I've heard about him but I've never listened to him." She shrugged. I nodded.

"He's good. I grew up listening to his music. Though... It may not be music that you're interested in listening to." I laughed a bit. It was quite for a moment before I spoke again.

"So... Why are you still here? You waiting for someone?"

"Huh? Oh yeah. I'm waiting for my bro Finneas." She said while leaning back into the bench. As if on cue, an expensive looking car drove up.

"Is that him?" I asked, already knowing the answer. She nodded.

"Yeah. This morning he dropped me off away from the school so I wouldn't have a crowd of people swarm me when I walked up. Now that almost everyone is gone, he doesn't have to park far away." She smiled as the window of the car rowed down.

"Hey Bil! I hate to interrupt your conversation, but mom said dinner is almost ready!" A man, who I already knew as Finneas, yelled out of the passenger side window. Billie stood up and stretched. She looked down at me and offered her hand to pull me up. After I was standing she gave a little smile.

"I'll see you on Friday..?" She said.

"Hell yeah. I even got that special VIP pass!" I said, giving her finger guns. She laughed and walked over to the car. She got in the car and looked out the window. Right as the car drove off she yelled out the window.

"Bye, Avery!"

I smiled at the small action as I finally put in my earbuds and started the small walk back to my house.

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