Chapter 13

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Small author's note just to say WOW! I'm so proud of Billie! Five Grammys!!

It was around 2am by now. Jayda and Michelle went to sleep forever ago and Gabby had just went to bed about 40 minutes ago. I was laying on the floor of Michelle's living room, just staring at the ceiling... Or I should say, the blackness that was supposed to be the ceiling. I just couldn't sleep. I sighed and sat up.

"Maybe I should get some fresh air or something..." I said quietly to myself. I stood up and stretched and, with my phone in hand, went out to the porch. It felt nice outside seeing as it was late spring. I took a seat on the steps of the porch and took this opportunity to just look at the stars. If there's one thing I never get tired of looking at, it's the night sky.

I sat there for a few minutes before I felt my phone vibrating on my leg. I furrowed my brows and picked up my phone.

Bil ❤️

"What? Why is Billie calling me at two in the morning??" I said to myself and hit the answer button.

"Uhhh... Hello..?"

"Averyyyyyyy!!!" I heard my name being drawn out from the other line.

"Billie? What are you doing up so late..?"

"I missed you baaaabe! I haven't seen you in foreveeerrr and just wanna talk to you!"

"Uh, alright... But, one question first. Do you happen to be drunk right now?"

"Psh, noooo... Okay, maybe a lil bit! But I promise I only got into the mini fridge, I didn't go out in public and drinkk."

"Well... I'm glad to at least hear that..." I shook my head with a small smile.

"My turn to ask a question. Why are you up?" Billie asked, sounding slightly more sober.

"Oh, uh it's nothing, just thinking about some things." I vaguely replied.

"Well, if I know you like I think I do, and I definitely do, you staying up late and stressing about everything has never helped your situation, has it?"

"...No. But in my defense, you called me in the middle of the night. You could've woken me up."

"Well... That cause I missed your voice and I was bored cause Finn and Alex are asleep."

"Alex..? Is she, like, still there with you?"

"Oh, yeah. We decided to just let her crash here since it was liiike only an hour ago that we got back." I could practically see her shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Hm. Well that's... Cool..?"

"Hey, Av, is there something wrong? Cause even though I'm not with you right now, I can still literally see you frowning in my mind."

"What? Nahhhh, I'm good! Everything's good over here!"

"And now I know something's wrong. What's up?" She now sounded completely sober and I didn't really know how to respond.

"There's nothing up with me. Oh, wow, would ya look at the time! Looks like I gotta go to bed! Love ya Bil!" I was about to hang up the phone when she started talking.

"Avery, wait."

"Uhhh... Yeah..?"

"I know something's wrong because the only time you're up late like this is when you're stressed. Tommorow when you get back from your friend's house, video call me. We're gonna have a serious conversation so you can tell me what's wrong, cause... You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Questionable Behavior | Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now