Chapter 14

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I took a final deep breath of reassurance before going to my contacts. I hesitantly clicked Billie's contact and clicked the video call. I fidgeted while waiting for her to pick up. I honestly hope she's too busy to pick up... Or she's still asleep. Sadly, luck was not on my side today. She picked up after only two rings.

"Hey, babe! I was waiting for you to call me!" She smiled. In of the corner of the camera, I could just barely see Alex's hair.

"So what's up? Why were you so stressed last night?" She slightly tilted her head to the side. This small action brought back my inner Billie fangirl that I'd pushed back and I almost squealed at her. I composed myself by clearing my throat.

"Umm, could you maybe go into the hall or something? I don't know, it's just kinda embarrassing and I don't really want anyone else to hear me and think I'm creepy.."

"Sure, whatever you want." She chuckled a bit. She made her way to out to the hallway and sat down by the room door.

"This good? Now will you tell me what had you so worked up?" She smiled.

"Yeah... Promise you won't think I'm, like, crazy? Or overprotective or-"

"Calm down, I would never think you were crazy... Well, unless you actually were, but I'd still love you even if you were." Her saying this made my heart flutter a bit and gave me the confidence to actually tell her what was upsetting me.

"Alright, well..." I sighed before I continued, "I was maybe kinda, sorta upset because you were hanging out with Alex so much. I know I have no right to judge who you hang out with and that you're allowed to have friends, but I dunno... I was worried that you'd like her more than you like me... I mean, she's literally so pretty and I'm not and so I thought you'd want to be with her and not me, and-" My long rant was cut off by laughter from the other line. I stared at the phone in confusion. Why is she laughing at me?

"Hey! Those were my legitimate concerns and you're laughing!" I said to her, feeling a frown appear on my face. She stopped laughing almost immediately, but a smile still remained on her face.

"I wasn't laughing at you being upset, I was laughing because... You actually think that I want to date someone else?" She asked, smile getting a bit bigger. I felt a blush growing on my face as I tried to answer.

"W-Well... I mean, yeah... But how would you feel if I started talking to a really pretty girl while you were halfway across the world?" I asked.

"Well I, personally, feel like I'd... Do the exact same thing as you just did." She sighed, "But, Av, I'm just shocked cause I went through a lot just to date you and you're really special to me. I mean, you're the one who literally came to my house to see me because I overreacted when I told you I liked you. Who else do you think would've done that?"

"Well, probably every one of your fans-"


"Okay, okay fine. No one."

"Exactly. Avery, you're my girl. No random girl that just suddenly appears into my life is gonna replace you." Not gonna lie, after hearing that, I got a little bit emotional.

"Wha- Avery! Don't start crying!" I saw her eyes go wide. I laughed at this.

"I'm just relieved and happy. Now I don't have to worry about anything." I smiled at her.

"Honestly, I'm gonna show you that you're my one and only. "

"What do you mean by that?" I questioned.

"You'll see. On a completely separate note, I wish I were with you Av. I would've kissed you by now." She laughed.

"What was that? There'll be nothing of the sort in my house!" I jumped as I heard a voice from behind me. I turned around to see my dad. I guess I forgot to close my bedroom door...

"Oh, uh, good morning, Dad.." I smiled with a hint of a blush.

"Mornin' Avery. And good morning to you too, Billie." He nodded his head at the phone and she waved back.

"Mornin' Alan."

"How's the tour going?" He asked with a grin.

"It's going pretty well, sir! Thanks for asking."

"That's great! Anyway, Avery," He turned to me, "I just wanted to let you know that your mom and I are headed up to your grandma's house for a bit to help her move. There's food for you downstairs. If you leave to go to a friend's house, just let us know. And finally, you and Billie keep it PG up here." He raised his eyebrows in our direction and I felt my face go red.

"Dad! C'mon!"

"I'm just kidding." He laughed and patted my head, "We'll see you tonight, Avery."

"Alright, by dad." I waved at him as he left my room. I turned back to the phone and shook my head.

"He's definitely a handful." Billie commented.


Billie and I talked for another hour or so before she had to get off to get ready for her show. After another hour of just playing on my phone, I decided that I'd go downstairs, make some pizza rolls, and watch some TV. Those plans were short lived however. As soon as if sat down to start watching TV, I got a phonecall. It was Michelle. I sighed as I answered the phone.



"No need to scream, Michelle. What's up?"

"Well I was gonna text you, but I felt like that'd take too long! Go to your YouTube and look at the #1 trending right now!" She said excitedly.

"Okay...?" I put the phone on speaker and got onto YouTube. I clicked the trending tab and read the first video title. As soon as I did, my mouth dropped open and my eyes widened.

"No way, is this real??" I asked in shock.

"Yes!!!" She yelled through the phone. The name of the video was called:

Billie Eilish has a Girlfriend?- Live confession

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