Chapter 20

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This is my art :) I spent 3 days on it and it still doesn't look like her smh

I'm not gonna lie to you, these past two months without Billie kinda sucked ass. As soon as the people at school found out they, for lack of better words, went ballistic. It was constantly,

"Oh why'd you and Billie Eilish break up?"

"Are you still dating Billie Eilish?"

And my personal favorite, "I'm not surprised, I knew you two wouldn't be together for that long."

It's been fun, but graduation is literally two weeks away so I won't have to deal with these assholes anymore. I haven't really heard from Billie since our, uhhh, fight. I honestly didn't even know if we were considered a couple anymore. Finneas has been keeping me updated on the tour throughout the time we hadn't been talking, though. Ironically enough, they're going to be back at around the same time as my graduation. I don't really expect them to be there as Billie and I haven't really "worked things out" yet, but it's alright, at least I've still got my friends.

"Oh my gosh, Avery! Can you believe we're gonna be graduating in literally two weeks?!" Jayda asked excitedly. Michelle and Gabby had already headed home so it was just Jayda and I.

"Honestly, not at all! It's insane to think that we were literally freshmen three, almost four, years ago. Time flies, man." I said with a shrug. We walked for a few seconds in silence before she started to talk again.

"So... Speaking of flying.."

"Jayda.." I groaned.

"I'm just saying, I heard Billie's flying in in like two weeks?? Same week as our graduation?? Isn't that a little bit suspicious??" She said as she squinted her eyes at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Not at all. Remember, her tour was supposed to end like two months after I visited her. Besides, it's not like she was planning on coming anyway, we haven't talked at all throughout the entire two month span that she's been gone. I honestly think she doesn't even like me anymore." I said, giving yet another shrug, trying to act nonchalant about the whole thing.

"Avery!" Jayda gasped, "Don't try to act like saying that didn't affect you at all!"

"I mean... I definitely still love her, but if she doesn't like em anymore, it's fine. I can't force her to have feelings for me. Besides, she's still got Alex... Even though Alex is a huge bitch- I mean a terrible person."

"Look all I'm saying is, maybe you should... I dunno, text her. If not just to talk to her then to find out what your relationship status is." Jayda suggested.

"I guess you're right... I'll go ahead and text her while you're with me so you know that I'm not lying." I sighed as I got onto my messages and scrolled down to find Billie and I's conversation. When I reached it I gasped.

"What's wrong, Avery?" Jayda asked as I stopped walking.

"Umm... Apparently Billie has been texting me... I just had her notifications off."

"You... What?"

"I guess I turned them off the day we were arguing and just completely forgot to unmute them!!" I said with panic as I opened the messages. They didn't start til about three days after our argument.

Hey, Avery... Look I wanted to say how sorry I am. I shouldn't have acted the way I did, please call me when you can.

Avery! Apparently there was a security cam set up right inside the door of our room at the hotel! (Creepy, Ik but it's for break ins or sumn??) Finneas told me what you said was true and we looked back at that tape and heard what you said! I'm sorry I didn't believe you please call me!!

Babe, are you ignoring me? 🥺

Please call me, I wanna hear your voice, I miss you Av

Hey, I know it's been almost a month since we last talked, but Finn has been keeping me updated on you. I heard you're graduating soon, I'm so proud of you Baby!! ❤️❤️

Wow, it feels like it's been a long time since I texted you, even though it's only been like two months but I really miss you. I wanna know if you still wanna talk to me or work things out or whatever we're callin it

After reading her messages, it took everything in me to not start bawling my eyes out. I let Jayda read the messages before I spoke.

"Jayda, I'm such a bad person!" I croaked.

"No you're not! Just call her now!! Tell her what happened! I'll be right here with you." She said as she put her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay... But let's go to my house first... I don't really feel like breaking down on the sidewalk today."


We rushed up to my room as soon as we got home. My parents weren't there so it would be okay if I started to do a loud ugly cry. As soon as we got to my room and closed the door I jumped on my bed and hit the call button.

"Put it on speaker phone!" Jayda whispered from across the room.

"Be quiet then!" I whispered back as I hit the speaker phone button. It rang so many times that I honestly didn't think she was gonna answer. Finally, when I had just about given up, a groggy voice came over the phone.

"Avery..?" She asked sounding halfway asleep. I felt bad for waking her up but as soon as I heard her voice, I felt the tears start up.

"Billie, I'm so sorry!" I sobbed into the phone.

"Woah, woah, calm down. I'm the one who should be apologizing, what are you apologizing for? Did you do something bad?" She asked sounding much more awake.

"I accidentally ignored all of your texts! I didn't mean to, I just muted your notifications cause I was mad at you and I forgot to unmute them!!" I said, almost causing myself to cry harder if possible.

"Aw, Avery it's okay. I understand, I was mad at myself too." She chuckled from the other side of the line and I felt a small smile appear on my face after hearing her laugh.

"But, you should know that I kicked Alex to the curb. I should've never believed some random ass girl over my own girlfriend, and j never should have said the stupid shit I did." She said seriously.

"Wait, girlfriend? Am I... Still your girlfriend?"

"Of course!... Unless you don't wanna be?" She trailed off.

"No, of course I do! I would be the world's stupidest girl if I said I didn't!" I rushed to say. I heard her sigh in relief.

"Oh thank God, I honestly don't know what I would've said if you said no... Cause I really meant it when I said that you're the only girl I ever wanna be with. I've never told anyone else that I love them, I mean obviously not including family, and I never plan on it. I mean, hell, we're still young so what I'm saying might just sound like bullshit to you, but I mean it..." She said. I couldn't help but smile. I never thought in my entire life I'd hear someone say such a thing to me... I saw Jayda silently gasp out of the corner of my eye and I couldn't help but laugh a bit.

"Are you laughing at me Av? If you are, I swear I won't hesitate to fly over there and noogie the shit outta you." She said half jokingly.

"No, no... I'm just laughing at Jayda's dumb face" I said, not to elaborate on why I was laughing at her, "But in all seriousness, I love you too Bil. I can't wait to see you in two weeks.."

"Me neither baby... I gotta get offa here cause it's almost 4am, but I'll definitely talk to you when I wake up..?"


"Great, good night Avery Hayes, you beautiful human who happens to be my girlfriend. I love you."

"Good night, Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O'Connel, " I heard her laugh at the fact that I said all of the names, "I love you too." I hung up the phone and saw Jayda cringing in the corner.

"What?" I asked.

"You guys are too mushy.."


Wow, I didn't realize how often I've been updating, I've had way too much free time

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