Chapter 11

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Hey guys :) Wow, it's bee a while since I've updated this :/ I deeply apologize for waiting so long to update! I've been ridiculously busy... I'm going to try to start updating more frequently again, but for now, here's this! Also, a little random thing: I bought some Billie merch :0 when it comes in I'll post a picture of it! (it won't come in for a while though lol) Anyway, enough with that! Enjoy :)

The drawing was done by me :D

It's been a good two months since Billie and I had officially started dating each other. She hadn't told the public yet, which I was completely fine with because I wanted her to be comfortable and to take her time. But the people who did know we were dating absolutely lost it. By 'people' I mean Jayda, Michelle, and Gabby... But mostly Jayda. They settled down eventually, but still tease me about it from time to time. Overall, it had been going pretty smoothly.

Well, up until today, that is.

Bil and I were at her house, chilling on the couch and watching The Office. I was sitting on her lap while she had her arms around my waist an her head resting on my shoulder. After a while of comfortable silence, I felt her nudge her head into my neck.

"Hey, Avery...?" She mumbled. I looked at her from the corner of my eye.


"I, uhhh, have something kinda important to talk to you about." She said. I turned down the TV and turned to her.

"What's up?"

"Uh, okay... Well.... I'm going in tour in about a month annnnd it's gonna be a really long one..."

(Here's her schedule for next year's tour so that's what I'm basing it off of lol)

"What? How long??"

"4 months." She mumbled.

"Seriously?" I frowned.


"That's such a long time.."

"I know... And I would ask you to come with me, but I know your parents wouldn't want you to be away from school or home for 4 months."

"I mean, I could totally ask them... They might-"

"Avery. I'm not makin you miss school or your friends for this."

"But Bil-"

"No buts Avery. Besides.." I felt her press a small kiss to the crook of my neck, "we've still got a whole month to hang."

"Ugh... But that won't make it suck any less." I leaned back into her.

"I know baby, but I promise well be fine." She said while falling backwards onto the couch, taking me with her. I rolled over onto my stomach so I was facing her and smiled a bit.

"I know we will. Cause we're great."

"Damn right we are."


1 month later

"Do you have your phone?"


"Phone charger?"


"What about your-"

"Avery, I'm fine. I promise. I've got everything."

"I know... I just want to make sure you're good.." I sighed while putting Billie's last bag into the car trunk.

"I know, babe. I'm fine." She smiled, "Now, you and your friends gonna ride with us to the airport?"

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