Chapter 16

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The past few days at school have been... Interesting, to say in the least. Because Billie had announced that we were dating- everyone in my school had figured out that I was that Avery that she was talking about because we were so close beforehand- all the kids at school were immediately trying to be my friend. If they weren't sucking up to me, they were constantly asking me about Bil and what she was like and how I managed to date someone like her (I still haven't quite figured out that last one yet, myself). It had been non-stop and I was pretty much ready to launch myself into the sun. At least my friends weren't really bothering me, right? Wrong. They were now being super obnoxious about me getting to leave school for a few days to hang out with Billie.

"It's just not fair, Avery!" Gabby groaned as we walked out of school for the day, "My parents won't even let me skip a day of school when I'm sick most of the time! And yours are letting you leave to go see Billie, who is across the world might I add."

"I can't help it that my parents are literally the best." I said while shrugging my shoulders.

"Wait- When do you leave, anyway?" Jayda asked.

"Tomorrow at 4:00 in the morning." I sighed, "It's really early, but I'm willing to ruin my sleep schedule to hang out with Billie."

"I mean... At least it's not at like 9:00 at night where you'd have to wait all day, right?" Michelle shrugged.

"I guess you're right... Anyway, children, I must take my leave to make sure I am prepared for tomorrow's journey." I said, giving my small group of friends an overdramatic bow.

"Oh, I hope you have a good time! Make sure you text us when you get there!" Jayda said and the other two nodded their heads in agreement.

"If you don't, I'll fly over to wherever the heck you are myself to check on you." Michelle said with a determined nod.

"Alright, I promise I'll text you guys when I get to Billie." I said giving them a thumbs up.

I made my way home as fast as I possibly could. I wanted to make absolutely sure that I had everything I needed for the next few days.

After about an hour of my anxiety making me check my bags over and over, I determined that I was ready to go for the morning. Afterwards, I decided to go to bed early so I wouldn't have any chance of missing my plane in the morning.


I finally made it to my seat on the plane with a sigh. At 2:40 in the morning I had already been up and pacing around excitedly. My parents woke up just before I left to say their goodbyes. After getting to the airport I had to go through all the metal detectors and such which, surprisingly, didn't take too long because of how early in the morning it was. Initially I had thought I would be flying middle class and was met with shock when I saw my ticket. I had to do a double take just to make sure I read it right.

"Geez, I can't believe she got me a first class seat... That's too much money she's spent on me already..." I groaned to myself, "But... Ya know this is pretty comfy.." I said while burrowing down into the comfort of my seat. Right before we were supposed to turn our phones to airplane mode, I got a text from Billie.

Bil ❤️
Can't wait to see you! We'll meet you at the airport when you get here 💓

I smiled and typed out a small response before turning my phone to airplane mode. Not long afterwards, I was asleep.


Before I knew it I was already stepping off of the plane with a huge smile on my face. I was so excited that I could practically feel it bubbling out of me. I missed Billie so much! And on top of that, I missed hanging out with Finneas and talking to their parents about the most random things. With every step I took, another wave of excitement washed over me. After about a minute of walking and looking around, I finally saw a sign that said Avery Hayes. When I say that I sprinted like I was about to win a marathon, I wasn't joking. At all

As soon as I made eye contact with Billie, it's like the world slowed down for a few seconds. I admired the way her face began to light up, the way her eyes sparkled, the way her lips moved up into a smile. I honestly thought I was going to run straight into her. She opened her arms wide and I pretty much jumped into them. She had to step back a bit to keep herself balanced from the sheer force of my hug.

"I missed you!" I said to her, knowing that it was muffled by her shoulder and she might not have heard me very well.

"I missed you too, baby." She said while kissing the top of my head. I sighed in content and we both just kinda sat there for a few more seconds before I heard someone clear his throat.

"There are other people here who want to see you, Avery." Finneas said jokingly. I peeked my head up to look at him and smiled. After practically prying myself from Billie's clutch -which earned a lot of protest from her- I bounded over to Finneas to hug him.

"Don't worry, Finn! I missed you too!" I said, trying to give him a bear hug, and failing because as soon as he knew what I was doing, he started trying to give me a bear hug. To sum it up, it pretty much looked like we were doing highschool wrestling.

"Alright, that's enough kids. Why don't we head back to the hotel so Avery can get settled in?" Patrick suggested.
"Sounds good to me!" I said as Finneas finally released me from his death trap of a hug.

As soon as I'd stepped away from Finneas, Billie walked over and hung her arm over my shoulders. We all made small conversation as we walked over to their car. Finneas stole my bags from me and threw them into the trunk before I could even blink. Billie, Finneas, and I all sat in the backseat with me being in the middle of the two. The drive to the hotel was a short one, so I didn't really have to worry about being bored- not that I was going to be bored anyway seeing as Billie and Finneas were sitting by me. They were both in pretty good moods, basically screaming whatever was playing in the radio at the top of their lungs. After we'd finally made it to the hotel, Billie rushed me to the elevator.

"Woah, woah calm down, Bil!" I said as she closed the elevator doors before her parents or Finneas could make it in. The next thing I knew, my back was against the wall of the elevator and her face was buried into the crook of my neck.

"I really missed you, Av." She mumbled. Feeling her lips on my skin nearly gave me a heart attack.

"Haha... I missed you a lot too, Bil... I mean, it's only been a month though." I said as my face slowly started to get red. I felt her slowly kiss up my neck and basically had to stop myself from passing out on the spot. When she got to my jaw she stopped and looked at my face.

"Woah, Av, your face is so red!" She giggled.

"Wha- Your face would be red if I started just randomly kissing you in the elevator!" I blurted.

"Maybe... Or maybe I would try to kiss you back, hm?" She said slowly leaning back in. The elevator bell sadly ruined the moment. I groaned and Billie laughed before quickly pecking me on the lips. Before we separated,  the elevator doors opened and long red hair came into view.


"What the- Alex?! What are you still doing here??" Billie asked, looking pretty confused.

"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I be here?" She asked tilting her head. Billie just squinted in response to her and then shook her head.

"Yeah, okay. Not important I guess. Uh, so if you'll excuse us, my girlfriend and I are gonna go hang out in my room." Billie smiled awkwardly. I looked at her in confusion, but just kinda hoped she'd explain it to me later. Billie made her way around Alex and dragged me to a hotel room, which I assumed was hers.

"So, uh, what was that?" I asked after she'd closed the door.

"Well, I thought she was gonna stay back in the last city we were at, ya know, where I met her. I didn't really think she'd follow me here." Billie said, furrowing her eyebrows.

"Well... Maybe it was just a coincidence..? Maybe she's just here to see your show tonight?" I suggested.

"Ugh... Maybe you're right, I might be overthinking it." She sighed. Then a big smile appeared on her face and she grabbed my waist. She laughed and catapulted the both of us onto her bed.

"Now, all I wanna do with you is cuddle before my show! And maybe a little  bit more."

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