Chapter 17

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It took me a little while to actually pull myself away from Billie's iron grip so that I could set out my belongings and such. According to Billie, tonight's show is going to be her last one for a few days so we'll be able to actually hang out and do things together. I mean, unless Alex keeps buzzing around. I've only been with Billie for about two hours and she's already shown up to our room not once, not twice, but three times. Billie says she doesn't really see the problem with it.

"C'mon babe, she's just excited to meet you." Billie shrugged Alex's behavior off.


"Oh, I have an idea! How 'bout you and Alex hang out with each other while I'm getting ready for my show tonight? Then you'll be used to each other and can actually be friends!" She said with an almost childlike excitement.

"I dunno, Bil..."

"Please, Averryyyy... For me..?" She said and gave me the cutest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen. I groaned.

"Fine, Bil... But if she starts acting weird, I'm out." I sighed.

"Aw, thank you baby!" She smiled and threw her arm over my shoulder to give me a side hug before kissing my cheek. I smiled at her as a slight blush appeared on my face. No matter how many times she's done this, it always makes me feel all warm and fuzzy.

A few minutes later we heard a knock on the door. Billie for up from the couch we were sitting on, walked over to it, and peeked out. After a second she opened it up and in walked Finneas. I waved at him from the comfort of the couch.

"Howdy partner." I said as he sat by me. He ruffled my hair.

"What's up, kid." He chuckled as I pouted and fixed my hair.

"Stop messing up my hair!" I groaned as I puffed out my cheeks. This resulted in Finneas poking my cheeks.

"Man, you get flustered easy, don't ya?" He laughed.

"C'mon, Finn, stop tormenting Avery." Billie chuckled as she swatted Finneas's hands away from my face.

"Thank you." I sighed, and then felt a nail lightly poke my cheek.

"That's my job." Billie said as she poked my cheeks. I rolled my eyes. Finneas shook his head with a smile before clearing his throat.

"I came in here to say that it's about time for us to get ready for the show." Finneas said.

"Alright, awesome." Billie smiled. After a few more minutes, Finn left and went to go start getting ready, or so I'm assuming. Billie sighed and leaned over the back of the couch, where she was standing, and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She put her head on top of mine and I smiled.

"You know, this'll be one of the first concerts of mine you've been to since that one at your school."

"Really?" I gasped, "You're right! I'm definitely gonna have to buy a t-shirt or something from it while I'm there, then!" I said causing Bil to laugh.

"That's what you're worried about?"

"Uh, yeah? How often do I get to go to a Billie Eilish concert?!" I asked excitedly, completely forgetting that I was talking, and literally dating, the Billie Eilish.

"Babe, you could literally come to every Billie Eilish concert if you wanted. Cause... Ya know, I'm actually her and can get you in." She laughed as I looked up at her.

"Oh yeah... Honestly it's sometimes super weird to think that I went from idolizing you to kissing you." I shrugged, "Sometimes I actually forget that you're the girl I looked up to for forever and always dreamed of meeting."

She leaned down and placed her lips on mine softly. She leaned away a bit and smiled down at me.

"It's cool to hear you say shit like that, Av. Going to your highschool to perform was honestly one of the best decisions I made. I almost didn't go there originally though, only for the fact that I was super busy and stressed at that point. But, I couldn't let my fans down... And then I met you and I haven't regretted it since." She said, and I almost cried at the honest confession. I did feel my eyes well up with tears but I held them back.

"Aw, don't get all emotional on me, babe." She leaned down and kissed my forehead before she actually took the time to look at the clock on the wall.

"Oh shit, I gotta go get ready!" She said. She made it halfway to the door before running back and kissing me quickly.

"Love you, Avery! I'll tell Alex to come over and hang!" She said as she raced out the door. I smiled at her before realizing that she said she was inviting Alex over. I groaned to myself before deciding to get something small to eat before she came over.


Alex and I sat in an almost awkward silence in the living room portion of the hotel room. After about three minutes of silence, I finally decided to speak up.

"Uh... Hi, I'm Avery... I know we've technically met before but I feel like I should reintroduce myself." J said, awkwardly sticking my hand out so she could shake it. She stared at my hand for a few seconds [too long] and finally decided to shake it as soon as I was about to set it back at my side.

"I'm Alex, but you already knew that." She said. She seemed way less enthusiastic than when I'd first talked to her over the video call. It was at that moment that I realized we were both doing this for Bil and that neither of us really wanted to be there. But, still, I'll try to keep talking to her, even if I don't actually want to.

"So, uh, are you going to Bil's concert tonight?" I asked, even though it had a pretty obvious answer. Why else would she be here??

"Oh, totally! I actually managed to get front row seats!" She said as she perked up. I could practically see little hearts floating around her.

"Oh really? That's awesome!" I said with less enthusiasm than I would have liked, "I'm also sitting in the front row, actually. Bil really wanted me to sit behind stage and watch, but I wanted to actually be apart of the crowd, so she just gave me one of the front row seats." I shrugged. Alex paused.

"She just... Gave you a front row seat?"

"Um... Yeah..? I mean she was the one who wanted me here anyway, and bought my plane tickets and such. I thought you knew that since you had been staying with her for a few days..?" I said in confusion.

"Psh, of course I knew you were coming. I just didn't think you were going to take advantage of her money and have her buy you a plane ticket and a ticket to her concert." Alex sneered, getting rude all of a sudden.

"Wha- Take advantage?? She bought me the ticket so we could celebrate my birthday. I haven't asked her to buy me one thing. Why would I only love her for her money? You think I just hang around with her so she can buy me stuff? No, of course not! I love her for more than just her money, I wouldn't care if she didn't have money!" I frowned at the girl. She acted taken aback for a moment before smiling an evil smile.Why was she smiling? I have no idea.

"Wow, alright. You've proved me wrong, I thought you only liked her for the money. Now, the concert starts in about an hour so if you want to be able to make it to your seat, we'd better leave now." She said as she stood up and left the room, leaving me extremely confused by her mood changes.

Sorry it took so long to update!! More drama ahead 👀

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