Chapter 10

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"Rise and shine sleeping- Why is Avery in your bed?"

I groaned as I heard a loud voice that I recognized as Finneas. It's too early for this shit. I waved a dismissive hand in the direction I assumed he was in while keeping my eyes closed to block the sunlight.

"Uh, that's a good question Finn. But first, Tylenol." Billie groaned beside me. After hearing her voice and Finneas's fading footsteps, I opened my eyes in shock, only just remembering where I was. I came face to face with Billie who had her arm draped over her eyes. I could only assume she had an awful headache. She removed her arm from her eyes and turned her head.

"Seriously, what the hell happened last night, dude?" She squinted at me, not at all concerned with the fact that she had her other arm wrapped around me.

"I can't tell you much. All I know is that I was hanging out with Jayda, Gab, and Michelle when I got a phone call from your phone. It was a dude named Isaac who told me you were wasted and kept asking for me to pick you up. And so, I went and got you, we came back here, and then you refused to let me leave " I shrugged. Her face heated up as she apologized.

"Ugh, I'm sorry about that, Avery... How stupid was I?"

"As far as I could tell you were fine for them."

"I meant how stupid was I with you?"

"Uh... N-Not bad.. Just super loveable.." I felt a small blush come to my cheeks as I thought of her.saying she loved me.

"Oh no... We didn't make out or anything, did we?"

"W-What?? Not at all!" My face exploded.

"Good..." She sighed in relief. It made me a bit upset. Would kissing me really be that bad?

"Cause I would've hated myself if I let our first kiss be one where I was blackout drunk." She grinned. And then I died. There's the end of the story, folks.

"Uh... W-Wait...Does that mean you'd actually k-kiss me?" I barely managed to stutter out. Before she responded, Finneas walked in shaking the bottle of Tylenol.

"Here you go your majesty." He handed the bottle to Billie and she took it gratefully. After taking the pills, she flopped back down onto the bed, wincing. Finneas turned to me.

"I'm assuming you're staying for breakfast?" He grinned.

"Oh, uh-"

"She's staying." Billie groaned, not really giving me a choice. I shrugged at Finneas.

"Apparently I am staying. But first I have to call Jayda and tell her where I'm at because I never came back last night... Oh shit, she's probably freaked out." I sat up and hurriedly grabbed my phone from the table by Billie's bed (it had miraculously ended up there) and clicked on the screen. Lo and behold, I had 12 missed calls and 27 new messages. I rubbed my temple and groaned.

"What's up, mama?" Billie asked from her laying down position next to me.

"Jayda has completely blown up my phone. She's texted me so many times... I'm gonna have to call her back." I sighed.

"Put it on speaker, I'll explain." Billie said while slowly letting herself sit up next to me. She rested her head on my shoulder and winced as her eyes made contact with the light on my phone screen. I clicked Jayda's contact on my phone and waited for her to pick up. It rang only one time before she picked up.

"AVERY HAYES. WHERE ARE YOU AT??! I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET AHOLD OF YOU!" She yelled through the phone. Billie groaned at the loud noise.


Questionable Behavior | Billie EilishΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα