Chapter 12

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A/n: I'm disappointed in myself for completely forgetting about this story and I apologize!

It's only been about four weeks since Billie left to go on tour, but it honestly felt like years. I mean, we still called each other every night but I missed actually being able to see, and hang out with, her. And recently a bit of paranoia had set in. I always had the same thoughts. What if she doesn't like me anymore? What if she ends up finding someone better? What if-

"-ayes. Miss Hayes."

My head shot up and I made eye contact with my English teacher, Mrs. Clayton.

"Huh? What?" I asked as I sat up straighter and tried to figure out what she wanted.

"The answer to my question, Miss Hayes."

"Oh, ummm...."

"The answer was: Thoreau wants to put emphasis on his time in prison to show that he stood up for what he believed in." She sighed and made eye contact with me, "Please see me after class, Avery." I saw Michelle laughing at me from across the room and glared at her. This is just great.


The bell signaling the end of class soon rang and the students rushed to leave the room. I gathered my things and made my way to Mrs. Clayton's desk. I stood in front of her desk and waited until she noticed me.

"Avery, you have been spacing out quite a lot in my class recently." She sighed, "And I can only assume it has something to do with that Billie girl."

By this point, a lot of people in my school knew that Bil and I were close, they just didn't know to what extent.

"Oh, uh, yeah.." I trailed off with a nervous laugh.

"Look, I do understand, friends worry about each other. But, if this continues to be a problem, I'm going to have to give you detention. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." I sighed.

"Alright, you're free to leave now. Just remember what I've said for next class."

I quickly made my way out of her room and saw Michelle waiting outside for me.

"Did ya get in trouble?" She asked as she started to walk beside me.

"I wouldn't really say in touble per say, more like 'Hey, stop doing this thing or you're gonna get detention'"

"So, yes you did. Was it cause you keep zoning out every class because you can never stop worrying about Billie?"

"Pft, no... Yes."

"I thought so." She sighed, "How is she, by the way?"

"Oh, she's doing great! She's having a lot of fun and meeting a lot of new fans, so she's happy." I smiled a bit.

"That's awesome! Oh, hey, so Gab, Jayda, and I were talking earlier. Do you wanna come chill at my house tonight? This time we can have a full sleepover." She chuckled.

"Oh, uh, yeah that sounds awesome! I'll ask my parents!"


I walked into Michelle's house to smell brownies. Man, she's always baking something.

"Hey, Michelle! I'm here! I'm throwing my junk in your bedroom!" I yelled to her as I made my way up the stairs. I threw all of my stuff onto her bed which, unsurprisingly,  had Marvel's Avengers sheets on it. I let out a small laugh at this and shook my head. I went back downstairs to hear a bunch of loud noises coming from the kitchen. I peeked my head in there to see Gabby getting a bunch of pots and pans down for no  reason while Michelle just watched her in discontent.

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