Chapter 3

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Wow. What I sight. Tobio Kageyama was smiling. It was gorgeous. He continued to cover it with his hand, but the rest of his face gave it away that the foreign shape was still planted on the setter. It was contagious, I felt my mouth grow as a grin appeared on my face as well.

"Stop smiling dumbass!" He yelled, finally slapping his own off. Only now that I wasn't looking at his face I was looking at his stomach.



Shit I forgot I didn't have a shirt on.
Hinata's stare and blush reminded me. I walked over to my closet, making sure that my little problem was down before hand, and put a shirt on.

"So are you excited for later today?" The ginger chirped, now crisscross and making the most of being on the floor.

"Oh, yeah, the team bonding." I had completely forgotten about that.

"It's gonna be sooo much fun! Nishinoya is gonna bring water guns and Enoshita's bringing inflatable animal rafts!"

"Mhm" I mustered out, not really listening as I rummaged through my drawer for a shirt.

"So what do you wanna do?"


"Right now. We're not just gonna stand in your room. OH I KNOW! I was watching some Best Volleyball Saves videos. I have a bunch on my watch later, let's watch them!" He hopped on my bed and laid flat on his stomach, hands outstretched and holding a phone for him to look at. The ginger propped himself on his elbows and patted the bed next to him, beckoning me to come lay there. I gulped and crawled on the bed over to where Hinata was.

"Ok so I've already seen this one but it's the BEST in my opinion."

Is this what friends do? I looked over at his face but quickly retracted my glance. The warmth radiating off of him felt nice, and I could feel myself begin to drift off.


I woke up to orange hair tickling my nose.

We both fell back asleep.

"Hinata", I spoke tapping his arm.
"Dumbass, get up."

He involuntarily wrapped his arms and legs around me and nuzzled his head into my chest. I blushed.

This contact. I love it.

In shock and in panic, I yanked him off of me, immediately regretting my decision and feeling the loss of touch annoying.

Hinata sat up and looked at his phone. "Crap! We need to be at the waterfall in 30 minutes! AHHHHHH I don't have my swim trunks, I don't have any sunscreen, a towel..." He continued to run around the room frantically mumbling to himself.

"Dumbass shut up! You can borrow my stuff, here!" I said as I threw a pair of swim trunks and a towel at him.

"Hey! Thanks Kageyama!" He chirped.

"Yeah whatever."

We got changed and started walking over to the meeting location.


As we walked in silence questions popped into my head.

"Hey Kags, can I ask you a question?"

"Uh... sure."

"Why was your house such a mess?"

The setter's face grimaced and a frown spread over it. "I don't ever go down there, except for food but I usually get my lunch and dinner from the shops. My mom is never home and I guess it just kind of collects trash over the months."


  I didn't expect him to be so open about my question, let alone actually respond to me!

"Why is your mom never home?"

"Beats me, I guess she just wants to live her own life without any restrictions, like a son. My Dad left when I was little so she always had to do everything herself, I guess she just got sick of it. I mean I still have good memories with her from when I was little, they just aren't affectionate memories. She always kept her distance, making sure I never got too attached so that I could function and live without her. I guess I thank her for that, never needing anyone else to survive or get through things."

I thought for a solid moment about what Kageyama said.

"But, don't you get lonely?"

"In order to be lonely, you have to have lost someone you had before. I've never had anyone to begin with."


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