Chapter 15

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I woke up to my 6am alarm I set the night before. I rubbed my face, confused as to why I set the alarm.

Oh right. We have a volleyball game. Who am I?! Forgetting about volleyball!

I let out a heavy sigh and turned my head over to inspect the bed to my left. Hinata was cuddling his blankets, his orange hair covering his face as he shifted in his sleep. The majority of the blankets were in between his legs, the rest he was hugging with his arms. His only source of warmth was my hoodie he wore to sleep. I sat up, propping myself on my hands and faced the window. The view resembled that of last nights sunset, yet the aura of a new day was present.

I heard groaning and yawning as I turned again to face the boy sleeping beside me. He looked like he was shivering even though I myself was burning up.

This air conditioning comprise isn't going to work.

"Kage...ama." I heard as the boy motioned me towards him, his eyes still closed.

"What dumbass?" My voice was hoarse and groggy.

"Come." He outstretched both his arms and grabbed the air like a child asking to get picked up.

"What do you want?" I said again.

His only reaction was a groan. He buried his head into my hoodie and inhaled. I got up and stretched, walking over to Hinata and kneeling down next to him.

I shoved my face into the bed. "What do you want dumbass." I mumbled, my face absorbed into the hotel mattress. I felt a forcive tug on my head. "Ow!" I stood up, only to be pulled down on top of Hinata. He wrapped his arms around my bare torsoe and squished his head into my chest. I heavily blushed at the contact, my flustered composure making my voice inaudible of words.

"H-hey!" I tried to pull him off but it was no use. Giving up, I ruffled my hand in his hair and smiled.


We both got dressed and headed downstairs to meet up with our team. The Nekoma gym was only about a 30 minute drive on the bus, so no one fell back asleep. Once we made it there, the Tokyo team was lined up waiting to greet us.

"Kenma!" I heard the ginger next to me yell. He ran over to the Nekoma setter and gave him a hug.

"Hey Shoyou," was the response. I continued walking at my original speed, not overly excited to greet anyone in particular. We all said our hellos and exchanged conversations as we made our way into the gym. As I walked in, memories flooded back to me. All of the previous practice matches against Kurasuno held here, the intensity of them all, the exhilaration of them all. I sat down on the floor and began stretching, thinking to myself and getting in my personal zone. I attempted at blocking out all other voices in order to concentrate, but there was one conversation I couldn't ignore;


He was talking with Kenma, and for some reason it bothered me. I closed my eyes and continued trying to pay no attention to them, but I couldn't get over the heated feeling building in my stomach. I scrunched my eyes and tightened my mouth. At last I gave in to my emotion and stood up, walking over to where Hinata was standing.

"So it turns out the cake wasn't poisoned, he was just allergic to coconut,-" "Hey Kageyama what's up?" Hinata halted his story seeing me approach him. I looked at him, then the other setter, then back at him. I wasn't sure what expression I had on my face, but I tried to keep my true feelings to a minimum.

"Let's go warm up." I placed my hand on his shoulder and guided him towards our side of the court.

"See ya on the other side of the net!" Hinata yelled back at Kenma. I took my hand off of his shoulder and continued walking next to him until he arrived at his bag. "What's up Kags, you jealous?" He laughed.

"What? No way in hell dumbass!" I raised my voice.

More laughter followed. "Relax I'm kidding, let's warm up."



I panted as I laid face-first on the gym floor. I raised my hand above my head.

"One more." I panted out.

"For christs sake Hinata we're all too tired." Nishinoya laughed.

Daichi walked over to Kuroo, beckoning us to do the same. "Thank you for letting us play against you all all day." We all bowed and thanked the team in unison.

"Glad you had the chance to get your asses handed to you all day by us." Kuroo joked.

Daichi chuckled. "Yeah well you only won two more games than us out of fifteen, what time is it?"

Kenma checked his phone. "It's 3pm. We've been playing for like 7 hours with only one lunch break and a couple other short breaks."

"Okay, I think that's enough volleyball for today," Tsukkishima stated.

I might have to agree with him.

As we were all saying our goodbyes, Kuroo spoke up. "One of the girls that goes to Nekoma is having an open invite house party tomorrow night if you all want to go. Some of the Fukurodani volleyball players are going too. It will be fun."

At the mention of a female, Nishinoya and Tanaka made their decision on the spot. "We'll be there!" They sang.

"Awesome! Just show up if you feel like it." And with that we all went back to the bus and drove to the hotel, where a long awaited nap was needed.

"Don't forget we have a formal team dinner tonight!" Sugawara reminded. "Wear nice clothes please a third of the volleyball funds are in this dinner," he half joked.

Once we got to our hotel room, I crawled into my bed. "So are we going to that party tomorrow night?"

Kageyama let out a sigh and fell back on his bed. "Do you want to go? I don't have to supervise you."

His words hurt a little. "Well I don't want to show up alone. Plus I've never been to a party before."

The other boy was silent. "So do you want to go?"

I hesitated with my answer. "Yeah I think so."

Kageyama rolled over on his side and closed his eyes. "Okay then we'll both go." And with that we both fell asleep.

I dreamt about being in a party setting. Is there going to be alcohol? I've never gotten drunk before. What if something bad happens? I mean I'm probably the only kid in my class that hasn't drank.

My dream came to an abrupt halt from the sound of the shower turning off, waking me up. I checked the time. 6pm. I made my way over to my suitcase to grab my fancy clothes.

I need a shower too.

The bathroom door opened and out came Kageyama. I stared at him with awe. He was drying his hair with a towel, wearing a white button up with black dress pants. His shirt wasn't buttoned fully and his sleeves were pushed up over his elbows. It was loosely tucked into his pants, his hips being surrounded by a black belt that wasn't buckled yet. His left hand had on two silver rings while his right wrist wore a matching silver watch. He lowered the towel, exposing his face and messy black hair. He looked like a model on the cover of a magazine.

"Dumbass, stop looking at me like that." He sternly spoke, sending shivers down my spine.

I looked down and ran into the bathroom, locking the door.

"Hey I'm not done!" I heard through the door.

"Too bad I need to get ready too!" I took my shower and put on my outfit. It was similar to the setter's, yet I could never pull it off the way he was. I slipped on my navy blue dress pants and tucked my black button down in it. I walked out.

Kageyama took a break from doing his hair to stare at my outfit. "Uh, you look, really good." He stuttered out.

Not knowing how to take a compliment, I changed the subject. "Do you think we need to wear ties?"

"I doubt it, are you ready?"

"Yeah let's go."

Okay this took way too long I swear the next chapter will be soon. Also this chapter isn't very well written idk why writers block ig. Ily all so much thank you for supporting this fanfic!! <3

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