Chapter 17

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The room was fuzzy. I was struggling to pay attention to the girls in front of me. They continued talking, but I zoned them out long ago. I looked around, the dimmed lights making it hard for me to distinguish faces from walls. I needed to collect myself.

"Do you know where the bathroom is?" I asked, one of the girls stepping towards me and grabbing my arm. I hesitantly followed her, my steps mimicking those of a new born deer. All those girls fed me a lot of drinks, I wasn't sure how much alcohol I had consumed. An overwhelming feeling of loneliness took over me, my drunken state not wanting to contain it. I needed to find Hinata.

"Here it is," the girl said, gesturing to a door and tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Thanks." I walked in and closed the door, leaning on it for a couple seconds. As soon as the door shut, my head cleared and I could think more clearly. All the loudness was muffled, it was only me and my reflection. I placed my hands on the sink and analyzed my face. I looked into my eyes, internally questioning myself.

Why do I want Hinata so badly right now?

I know the answer.

I don't want to admit it.

Don't get attached, what if he finds someone better-

"Shut up!" I yelled at myself. "I have to try."

Here I was, having an argument with myself, in a strangers bathroom. Flashbacks of my mom enveloped my mind. Her not letting me hug her when she got back from trips, her leaving for months on end. Her loving expression on her face through the backseat window of a taxi. Her words ringing in my ears, telling me she's doing it for me, to avoid the pain she felt. Pain inflicted on her by the abandonment of my dad. My mind thought of Emi, how she left my life as easily as she entered it. The only person I had somewhat of a connection to, disappearing without a word. Eventually, my mind thought of Hinata once again. I never intended on him making his way to my heart, in fact I never wanted a deep connection again. But, as my blood transitioned into alcohol, my only thought was him. I felt my eyes begin to water, as a voice in my head told me to let it out. To let my emotions come rushing in. Tears ran down my face as I continued looking at myself in the mirror. Even though I was crying, I didn't feel weak or pathetic. For the first time, I felt relieved. I didn't have a sense of dread thinking about my wellbeing, thinking about getting abandoned. I wanted to let someone in.


I wiped my tears away and opened the door. The sounds of music and yelling hit me in the face. I couldn't see again, but I knew I had to find him. Pushing through the crowd, I spoke his name. Finally, I spotted orange hair, talking to a girl. I stumbled toward him. The girl spotted me and stiffened as we made eye contact.


I placed my arms around the orange haired boy and hugged him from behind. I startled him as he turned around. "Hey Kags! You scared me!You're so cute! This is my new friend! She's cool!" He slurred, clearly drunk.

"Kags, that's a cute nickname," She giggled.

"Kaiya." I said sternly. I released Hinata and stepped closer to her. She jumped back, "Don't call me-"

My arms wrapped around her as I hugged her. She was shocked but didn't speak. Pulling her away, I spoke.

"Forgiveness. It means forgiveness right? I forgive you." As those words left my mouth, I knew I meant them.

Her face dropped as her eyes widened. Her mouth began to tremble as she hid it with her hand. "Ah, I see what you did there." She stared at me, giving a weak laugh as her eyes began to water. A tear rolled down as she quickly whipped it, trying not to cause a scene.

"Thank you Tobio."

I leaned down to her ear and whispered, "Now stop flirting with my middle blocker." Her face turned red and she looked away.

"See ya!" I called as I grabbed Hinata's arm and walked away.


"What was that about?" I asked, following Kageyama as he walked out the front door. He stopped walking and turned to me.

"I'll tell you everything when both of us aren't drunk. But I think I just did something really good." He said, a smile forming on his face. His cheeks were lightly dusted pink from the alcohol, his composure making me burst with happiness.

I grabbed his face and grinned. "You being sooo happy makes me even happier! I'mmmm not sure what you did, but I'm proud!" I knew my sentences were coming out a little rocky, but I didn't care. He laughed, his low chuckle sending shivers down my spine. He pulled me into a hug, muffling my face into his clothes. He whispered words I'm sure he thought I couldn't hear, but I could.

"I'm so in love with you it's unbearable."


We ran into Akaashi a few minutes later, who gave us the task of wrangling up Bokuto and Kuroo. Once we did we all filed into the car. The car ride was a vivid blur to me, the only things sticking in my memory were Bokuto begging for gas station snacks and my head resting on Kageyama's lap the whole time.

Once the ride ended we made it up to our room, my arm never leaving the setter's shoulder for support. I walked across the room and crawled into bed.

"Do you want some water?" Kageyama asked as he sat on my bed and handed me a bottle. I took it and chugged. "Now that you're drunk maybe you'll want the AC to be colder," he stood up but I grabbed his hand.

"If you sleep with me then the body heat will keep me warm and you can turn it down. Sound good?" I smiled and winked, trying to get a reaction out of him. He walked over to the thermostat and vigorously spammed the down button, walking back over and turning off the lights as he slipped his shirt off.

"Sounds great." Bending down, he kissed the top of my head, kissing down my face until he reached my lips. He softly pressed his lips on mine. It was a single kiss, but it fulfilled me.

"But we're sleeping in my bed if we're sleeping together," he said as he picked me up and threw me onto his bed. I laughed, outstretching my arms and beckoning him over. He got in next to me as I clung to him. We both had only our boxers on, but it felt right. He felt right.

"Goodnight Kags," I yawned, closing my eyes. He hugged me tighter as I spoke.

"Goodnight dumbass."

Quick announcement the next update won't be a chapter it will be a little thing in honor of hitting 50K reads! I really can't believe it thank you all for the support it means the world! The update won't delay the making of the next chapter but it's just a little idea I thought of alright I'm going to bed goodnight dumbasses ;).

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