Chapter two: SpideyPool

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Peter's POV

I wake up to my alarm, usually I hate the sound but I'm still so pumped from last night! Like oh my gosh. I can't wait for Monday. And I'm so excited to tell MJ and Ned today.

Once I get ready I head out to school.

"Bye Aunt May!" I saw as I walk through the door.

"Wait, Peter. At least take this banana!" She calls out to me.

"Fine. Thanks May." I say as I take the banana.

"No problem, have a good day! I love you."

"You too. Love you May!" I say as I run out the door.

I eventually make it to school with about five minutes to spare. I see Ned and MJ by their lockers.

"Hey guys!" I say with a huge smile.

"Hey Peter." Ned says.

"Sup loser. Why are you so happy." MJ says.

"I've got big news, but I'll tell you at lunch." I say as the first bell rings.

"Aww come on." Ned starts.

"Oh sorry man, bell rung." I say with a smirk as I run off to class. Ned just rolls his eyes and him and MJ run to their class.

After fourth hour is lunch. Now I'm in first. It's gonna be a long four hours...

The first two go by pretty smoothly. Now I have advanced calculus with Ned.

"Come one Peter, just tell me." Ned begs.

"No way dude, you have to wait till lunch like MJ." I say trying to reason with him. I know he'll ask all hour long if I can't get him to shut up. Don't get me wrong, I love the guy, but I also know him and how impatient he can get.

"Peter, come ooonnnnn." Ned starts.

"Do I hear someone talking?" The teacher asks.

"No sir." Ned says.

"Okay then, let's get to it." The teacher starts.

That class finally ended, now it's time for English. The final class before lunch.

Though it's not my favorite subject, it went by pretty smoothly. Though it felt like forever, but I know it's only because I'm excited.

After class I make my way to lunch room. After I get my tray I sit down at my usual table. Ned and MJ are already there, MJ nose deep in her book and Ned looking like he's about to jump off a wall.

"Ok, it's lunch! Now you have to tell us." Ned says.

"Okay, okay. Just let me set down first." I say as I get myself settled.

"Are going to be an Avenger?" Ned asks quietly as MJ raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I wish! No, but guess what?"

"What? What? Tell us already!" Ned begs.

"I got an internship at Stark Industries!" I say.

"What! No way dude! How?" Ned asks.

"Congratulations loser." MJ says, though I know she's happy for me.

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