Chapter twenty-one: You're Spider-Man?

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Peter's POV

I wake up to someone shaking me awake by shaking my shoulder.

"Ah ahhh- that's the bad shoulder." I say in pain as they immediately stop.

I look around and see that it's Tony, Auntie Tasha, and even Pepper in my room, staring down at me.

All three of them start to rant the same time all, I can't understand a single thing they are saying. Nat is even speaking in Russian.

"Hold on you guys! One at a time." I say while as they stop talking.

"Alright, so how come not a single one of us were told that you had a severe sensory overload and that you got burned AND shot?" Nat says in a fake calm voice, that I know it's  hiding a mom like anger.

"Because it happened yesterday and you guys were busy on a mission." I say as Tony sighs.

"You could have called Pepper." Tony says as Pepper nods.

"But She was probably busy, I don't want to be a burden, it's nothing really." I say as they all look at me with the you-really-think-we're-that-dumb face.

"Peter you could have called, and don't ever think that you're a burden." She says in a mom voice as I look down shyly.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to worry you or waste your time. And we had it handled. Wade helped a ton." I say as they all look at me.

"First of all, you wouldn't be 'wasting out time' and we want to be worried about this type of stuff. Second of all, is it Wade that wrapped you up? He did a good job, how did he know how?" Nat asks.

"He chose to be a medical student as his career field." I say as they all look shocked. I know what they are thinking 'Really? Deadpool becoming a medical student?' And I thought the same thing.

"Well either way that's not the point, you should have called us. And you better next time. Alright Peter?" Tony says sternly.

"Tony I have it handl-" I start until Pepper and Nat cut me off.

"Peter." They both say sternly.

"Alright. Alright, I promise next time I'll call one of you three." I say as they all look satisfied.

"Good, now get dressed. I'll make you breakfast." Nat says as I smile. They all leave and I get dressed, putting on one of Wade's hoodies and a pair of sweatpants, to hide my injuries. I don't know how I would explain it to Wanda or even someone like Clint.

I go into the kitchen and sit at the bar while Tony sits to my left while Nat and Pepper cook. I yawn and lay my head on his shoulder.

He just chuckles and says "You already tired?"

"No, just exhausted." I say as he rubs my back.

"Ahh." He replies as Pepper coos at the sight at us. Saying something about me being 'adorable' or something.

Soon after Nat makes plates for everyone, Clint walks in. He looks at me and then looks at Nat.

He then signs to her "Am I allowed to talk to him" Tony did mention something about him being deaf/partially deaf deaf. Little do they know I know sign language.

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