Chapter four: Webs

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First of all: please don't attack me for not getting sciencey things right. I'm trying but I'm also dumb so ye-

Tony's POV

I'm on the phone with Pepper.

"So tell me again what the point is for me to try and have another intern?"

"Because it is a good opportunity for the both of you. This is a good kid okay, just try. Okay?" Pepper says over the phone.

"Yes dear."

"Good, I'll see you later. Bye, love you."

"I love you too Pep." I say as the line ends. Only a minute goes by when the elevator dings, I see a scrawny kid walk out.

I walk up to him and give him my hand to shake and he takes it.

"Firm grip." I say. I was really expecting the kid to freak out, I mean come on, I'm Iron Man.

"Thank you Mr. Stark." He says as he sets his bag down. His voice sounds weirdly familiar.

"Remind me of your name?" I ask.

"Peter, Peter Parker."

"Alright Pete, quick question, how come you're not like freaking out right now? I don't mean to be smug but I've never met a kid that hasn't freaked out in my presence." When I say this he seems to tense up.

"Oh, well.. It's unprofessional." He says, sounding like he's convincing himself more than me, but I'll let it slide. I chuckle a bit at his response.

"Ok then. How about you go get me a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks, grande." I say as I scan his face for any reaction.

"I don't believe those are in season sir." Peter says confidently.

"Wow, you're the first kid to actually say that. Alright then, go and get me a black coffee, two creams."

"Umm," He starts sheepishly, "I don't have any money to pay for it." He says as his ear turn red.

"What your parents don't give you an allowance?" I joke, clearly he doesn't know that he wouldn't have to pay for it here. But now that I take a good look at him I can tell that his family doesn't have much money. He is wearing what looks to be hand me down clothes that are to big for him. His shoes are also very old and torn down. Hmm...

"My parents are dead sir." He says very confidently. Hmm, this kids got moxy, maybe he will be a good one?

"Well then that's something we have in common, who do you live with then? If you don't mind me asking?" I ask curiously.

"My Aunt and Uncle took me in when my parents died, then my Uncle died just recently. So now it's just my Aunt taking care of me." The kid says, trying to sound strong. That's a lot to go through at such a young age.

"How old are you?" I ask.

"I'm fifteen sir." He says.

"Wow, that's a lot. I'm sorry for your loss." I say genuinely.

"Thank you." Peter said.

"It's no problem." I say.

"You don't have to get me one today, but just for future reference, in the cafe downstairs you don't have to pay, just scan your ID."

"Noted. So what are we gonna work on today?" 

"Well don't get your hopes up, it's more of me working and you watching, and maybe chiming in every once in a while. But either way, we are going to be working more on the chemistry side of the lab today. You see, I work with a lot of super people, and today I'm working for Spider-Man." I say and then the kids eyes widen about three times the size. Not really in excitement, but fear? Hmmm, I'll let it slide.

Peter Parker and the Stark InternshipWhere stories live. Discover now