Chapter twenty-nine: You've got a lot of explaing to do

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Peter's POV

After hanging out at Wade's I made my way back to the tower, making sure so not to act suspicious at all.

I head up the elevator and go to the living room, luckily finding it empty. Well, besides Goose and Benji, which is the only company I need.

I plop down onto the couch and soon after Benji and Goose follow suit. As usual, Benji sits on my legs while Goose lays on my chest.

Soon after I see Tony come in and walk up to me.

"Good job kid." He says with a smile as he sits in the chair next to me.

"It's was nothing really."  I say as he nods.

"I know we talked earlier but I still want to warn you, he's gonna try to recruit you again. And I think that maybe you should take a break from patrolling?" He says, and that gets my attention, I shoot up into a sitting position, making Goose hop off of me.

"What?" I say again as he rubs the back of his neck.

"It's just a suggestion, a strong suggestion, but still a suggestion. I just know Cap, and I know he's gonna go after you. He's not one to give up on things." He says as I sigh.

"How about this, I'll keep on patrolling until he gives me trouble that I can't handle alright? I'll stop as soon as it gets bad." I say back.

"Alright, but you better contact me if anything goes too south alright?" He says as I nod.

"Yes, Sir." I say as he nods and stands up.

"You going out tonight?" He asks.

"Yeah I am." I say.

"Alright, make sure you let me or Nat know when your leaving." He says as I smile.

"I will Tony." I say as he walks out. What to do now?

I end up playing on my phone for another two an a half hours before realizing the time. Hmm,   eight o'clock. Perfect time for patrolling if I do say so myself.

I send Tony a text saying 'I'm going patrolling.'

'Sounds good, be back by 1:00' He texts.

'Will do.'  I text back.

So I get up and head to the private elevator. I hop in and press the 'ground floor' button. Right before he doors close I see Steve run up to the elevator in his full suit, including his shield. He stops the doors from closing and hops inside.

My mind immediately starts running a mile a minute. What could he be doing? Duh, hunting for me. Maybe not? No, he's definitely going to go look for me.

"Good evening." He says and it snaps me out of my thoughts. I just nod in response.

"You going out?" He asks.

"Oh! Yeah, going to a friends." I say, impressed with myself that I came up with that.

"You mean a boyfriend?" He asks as I blush a bit. Getting called out by Captain America, that's new.

"Maybe." I say as he smirks to himself.

"And you?" I ask, wondering what lie he could come up with.

"I'm out to catch a spider." He says, and at the perfect time too, the doors open up and he walks out. I hate to admit that it was pretty badass.

I head out of the private door and too the metro. I am going to a friends, but not Wade's. I'm going to the guy in the chair.

I pull out my phone and call him, he picks up almost instantly.

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