Chapter fourteen: Uh Oh.

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Peter's POV

I'm riding back up the elevator from dropping Wade off. Around half way up the elevator doors stop and the doors open. Steve Rogers himself walks in. He went to press a button and then pulls his hand away. I guess he's going to the same floor.

It feels like the longest ride I have ever been on. My Spidey sense goes off and I sense that he's about to talk to me, so I do the only rational thing. Press the button on the next floor. The elevator comes to a stop and I hop out. Luckily I landed on the floor that the library is in.

I just purposely ignored CAPTAIN AMERICA. And now he knows, and now I can't face him again. Ahhhh. Now I have to wait to go back up to that floor. Well, it doesn't matter anyways. Cap is bad. He hurt Tony. And Tony told me to be weary so that's what I'm gonna do. Ah I left my phone in my room. I guess I'll have to suffer.

I head over to the library, find a book, and get to reading.

Steve's POV

After I watched the mystery kids head in the elevator I got up. Maybe I can catch the darker haired one. I know I was told to stay away but that only made me more curious, Nat should have known that.

I head in the elevator and go to a random floor. I then wait a second and hop back on, and to my luck I see the kid on the elevator. He looks down and blushes as he moves aside. It's now or never, I start to say something but as soon as I do he immediately presses the button to the next floor up. The elevator stops and he hops off. Leaving me speechless. How did the kid know?

Wanda POV

I'm in the library walking around when ever I see a young kid reading a book. I look a little closer and see that it's that intern kid that Nat told us to stay away from. But if he's a teenager then what could go wrong. Hmm, he's reading the Lord of Flies.

"That's a really good book." I say as I get one off the shelf. Talking to him is either a really good idea or a really bad one.

"Yes, it really is. I couldn't find one that looked interesting to me so I decided to just reread this one." He says without looking up. He doesn't know it's me yet.

"Ah yes, I understand. Sometimes finding a book is difficult." I say as he nods his head.

"Yeah. I usually just get recommendations from my friend MJ. But I left me phone somewhere else. So I can't text her." He says as he's still reading.

"I could recommend you a book or two." I say to him trying to mask my accent.

"That would be great! I'm sorry, this is rude, let me look at you while I talk just give me one- second-."
He says as he closes the book and immediately turns around to put it on the shelf behind him.

"Hi, I'm Peter-" He says as he turns around. When he sees me his face goes pale.

"I'm so sorry Peter. I shouldn't have interacted with you. We were all just so curious." I say as he just stands there.

"I- um- I- uhhhhh." He manages to get out.

"Mr. Parker, Natasha wishes for your presence in the training room." I hear Friday say.

He runs to the elevator and presses the button very quickly. He stares at the ground as the doors close. So his name is Peter Parker? I'm definitely gonna find out more about him.

Peter's POV

I go into the elevator and click on the home floor, I then run to my room the change into some workout clothes. Some basketball shorts and a loose tank top. I then run to the gym as fast as I can. I see Nat in there with her hair in pigtail braids and workout clothes. She's on the mat and motions me on the mat. I'm basically dripping with anxiety.

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