Chapter thirty-two: I need answers

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Steve's POV

Natasha left a while back, but everything she said was right. My reaction was completely unforgivable. I just, I tried to go with my gut, instead of my heart. And it failed me.

After dwelling in my thoughts for around 10 mins I hear a knock on the door.

Thinking it's the nurse is say, "Come in."

Though it's Bucky and Sam that enter.

"Oh, hey guys." I say as they come in.

"Hey Steve." Bucky says back.

"Not to be rude, but why did you guys come visit me?" I ask wondering why they would want to give me the time of day.

"Look Steve, I get it, you made a bad decision. But that doesn't make you a monster." Bucky says kindly.

"Yeah well, it kinda feels like it." I say with a sigh.

"Come on man, don't think that. Now I'm not saying that what you did was right, but you shouldn't be too hard on yourself." Sam says.

"I was being completely irrational, I wasn't thinking." I say as Sam scoffs.

"Now you are right about that." Sam says as Bucky glares at him.

"What? Am I wrong. Look dude, you made a mistake. And it's gonna be hard to come back from it. But you will be able too." Sam says as I nod.

"Yeah, yeah you're right. I just, ugh I don't know. I feel terrible." I say.

"Yeah and maybe you should, but have you told Spider-Man about that. How you feel? And why you did what you did?" Bucky asks as I shake my head.

"No, Tony won't let me, and its probably for the best." I say as Sam rolls his eyes.

"Since when do you listen to what Tony says?" Sam asks.

"I think I'm better off just listening to him this time." I say back.

"Well either way, don't dwell too long alright? We need you back." Bucky says with a small smile.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it soon. But enough of that, so, anything new news while I was out?" I ask as they both shrug.

"Nah, nothing really. Oh, well I guess this is kinda weird. We saw Tony walking into the med bay with Goose, Benji, snacks, and Capri-Suns." Sam says as I bring my eyebrows together.

"Those Capri-Suns are Peter's, that's Peter's dog, and Peter is the one watching Goose. If he down here? Did he get hurt?" I ask suddenly getting a little worried.

"We don't know, that's just what we saw. And when I asked him he wouldn't say anything." Sam says with a shrug.

"Hmm. Friday, is Peter currently in the med bay?" I ask.

"You are not certified to receive that information." She says back.

"Ugh, ok, well I don't know what to say then. The animals and drinks are probably for Tony?" I say, it sounding more like a question than a statement.

"I don't think so man, Goose and Tony aren't exactly besties. And since when does Tony drink Capri-Suns?" Sam asks.

"I don't know, I'm just tryna tell myself what I need to hear right now." I say as Bucky nods.

"Do you want me to go check up in that Parker kid? So you know he's fine?" Bucky asks.

"Oh, Bucky, you don't have to do that." I say back as he shakes his head.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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