Chapter thirty: Im going to kill him

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Tony's POV

"You've got a lot of explaining to do."

"Can it wait? I'm fried, mentally and physically. Can you carry him?" Peter says in between coughs as I just shake my head. What am I going to do with him?

"I got him, can you swing back? Or are you too hurt?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I'm fine Tony, just take care of him." Peter says with a raspy voice as I scoop of Steve. We both leave and go back to the tower. Though I fly a little slower so I can stay at pace with the kid.

He reach the private entrance and Peter is practically dragging himself.

"Peter, you are definitely not fine." I say as he leans against the elevator.

"I just need to sleep it off." He says still sounding very raspy.

"Nuh Uh, there is no way that I'm just letting you go. You are gonna go put on some shorts and then meet me in the medical wing so Bruce can help cure those burns, he knows your Spider-Man so head straight there." I say back, I can tell that he's too exhausted to fight back, the adrenaline is wearing off.

"Why are you always ending up in burning buildings huh?" I ask, luckily I get a little chuckle back.

"I was thinking the same thing." He says as we step out of the elevator. I go straight towards the medical wing while Peter goes to his room to change. I feel like it will be a long night.

Peter's POV

Me and Tony went our separate ways, me to my room to change.

I go in there and tap my wrists. My, now ruined, suit leaves my body and I feel all of the cool air on the burns. It feels amazing.

I take off my shirt and change into some shorts that I have. I grab my phone and then I head that way.

Parker luck strikes again, I almost make it to the elevator until I see a very worried Natasha coming at me.

"Baby Spider, are you alright? What happened? Who did this to you?" She asks in Russian as I just chuckle a bit.

"Well first off I'm fine. But if you want me to be more fine I need to go meet Bruce. And also it was your pal Steve. But don't go yelling at him. He still doesn't know that I'm Spider-Man" I say very rasping in Russian back as her eyes turn to ice.

"Im gonna kill him!" She says back.

"I think he's been through enough. He put up a strong fight but I still got him good. And in the end the roof kinda fell on him. Come with me and I can tell what happened." I say as she follows me down the elevator and into a separate medical room, away from Steve.

"Alright Peter, sit on the bed will yah? I gotta check out those burns, cuts, and that gash on your forehead." He says as I give him a surprised look. I didn't know that I had cut my forehead. But alas when I brought my hand up to my head it came back with almost dried blood.

So I sit on the bed and he gets to work. I need a distraction from the burning of the alcohol, and luckily Tony just walked in.

"Alright kid. Spill, what happened?" He asks.

I tell them everything that happened, from the elevator ride down to the building falling apart. Both Nat and Tony's eyes are filled with rage while Bruce cleans me up, quietly listening along.

"Like I said, I'm going to kill him." Nat said in Russian.

"Nat, you can't kill him. He was just doing his job. Get rid of threats right?" I say back, wondering why I'm sticking up for him.

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