Chapter fifteen: Wanda

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Natasha's POV

I look over and see Clint and Steve watching us through the observation glass. Shit.

"Stay here." I say to Peter and he nods.

I walk through the door to meet Steve and Cint.

"What the hell is wrong with you? What were you thinking?" I say to Steve.

"Hey Clint when did you get here?" I ask him as I wait for Steve to answer.

"Just earlier actually." Clint says as Steve starts.

"Look, we were just curious about the kid. And it looks like he can fight extremely well for a teen. And I'm guessing he told you about earlier. I just wanted to ask who he was. And how did he know I was gonna talk to him?" Steve asks.

"He didn't, he wanted to go to the library. Which, by the way, Wanda talked to him too. What is wrong with you guys huh? Don't get me wrong, it's not me. I just don't want Tony on your guys asses. I'm trying to help you alright?" I say to them.

"I know, but can you at least tell us a bit about him. Like why does Tony care about this kid so much, if he's just his intern." Steve asks.

I sigh and say, "Fine. But nobody better find out that you know. Deal?"

"Deal." Clint and Steve says at the same time.

"Ok, so the kid is fifteen, almost sixteen. He's super smart and really sweet. That's why I don't want you guys talking to him. Because I think that he will talk back and then you guys will fall in love with him. He's super lovable. And I don't want you guys becoming all buddy buddy with him. Because I know as soon as you say a single word to him that will happen. But he's also Tony's alright? And yes, Peter is technically a intern here and that's how him and Tony met. But their relationship has blossomed into a father-son thing. And I don't want that ruined for either of them. You guys can probably eventually meet him fully, just give it time. Okay?" I say to them, they are watching Peter mess around in the training room, doing flips or just playing with his hands.

"I understand." Steve says as Clint nods his head.

"How is the kid so good at fighting?" Clint asks.

"I trained him, any other questions are now irrelevant. Good day." I say as I go back in the room to get Peter.

Peter's POV

I go to my room and immediately walk into the bathroom to take a shower. After taking a shower and getting dressed I see a book on my bed with a note on it. The books was The Great Gatsby. Surprisingly I haven't read it yet. The note said: 'Hello Peter, I apologize for startling you earlier. You said that you were looking for a book. I believe that this is a very good one. I hope you haven't read it. I would like to apologize for our inconvenience in person. Please meet me in the library at 4:30. - Wanda."

I check my watch, it's 3:45 now. What am I supposed to do? I'll ask Auntie Tasha.

I go looking around for her and find her in the living room, Clint is sitting on a arm chair while she's sitting on the couch. He sees me walk in and shifts uncomfortably. I sit next to her and say "Auntie Tasha can I talk to you in the kitchen?"

Clint looks surprised, probably because I called her Auntie Tasha. She then gets up and leads me to the kitchen. She sits down and motions me to sit down with her. So I do.

"What is it Peter?" She asks.

"Well, okay. So you know how I met Wanda earlier? Well I told her that I was looking for a book when I didn't know I was talking to her and.." I say as I hand Auntie Tasha the book with the note.

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