Chapter ten: Freedom

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Peter's POV

I woke up to my alarm going off at 7:00. Ugh. I got up and headed straight to the shower. After a shower and changing into some fresh closes I grab my stuff and head into the kitchen. It's around 7:30 and I see Mr. Stark standing there with a piece of toast.

"Hey kiddo! You want some toast?" He asks.

"No thank you. I think I'll just eat a banana instead." I say as I grab one and eat it quickly.

"Schools a couple of minutes farther so we should probably leave pretty soon. Is Happy waiting for me?" I ask.

"No, I'm driving you!" He says with a big evil grin.

"What! Noho ho hohoho. No." I say quickly.

"What? Why not. Who wouldn't want to be dropped off my Tony Stark?" He asks while raising and eyebrow while I roll my eyes.

"I can't just be seen being dropped off by Iron Man. Cause that won't look weird." I say sarcastically.

"How about this, I wear a hat and glasses and use my least expensive car." He says trying to reason with me.

"How about no." I say back.

"How about that's your only option. Unless you want me to fly you in with my Iron Man suit?" He says while smirking.

"No! No, a had and glasses will work just fine." I say as we head towards the elevator.

"See, I knew you would get it." He says as we head down to the garage.

He picks his least flashy car and we hop in. Around five minutes in I get a call from May. Of course I answer it.

"Hey Aunt May!" I say over the phone.

"Hi Peter. You getting to school okay?" She asks.

"Yes I am. Tony's taking me."

"Perfect. Could you put me on speaker?"

"Uh Yeah." I say as I put this phone on speaker.

"Hello Tony."

"Hey May. What's up?" Tony asks.

"Well. You know how Peter has Spring Break next week. For two weeks?"

"Uh Yeah." Tony says back.

"Well it appears that I have a business trip scheduled for those two weeks. And it would be great for my job, could most likely lead to a promotion if I go. So I was wondering if there was any way that Peter could stay with you." She asks as me and Tony's eyes light up.

"Of course!" Tony says excitedly, while trying to pay attention to the road.

"Awesome!" I say aloud.

"Really? Oh thank you so much Tony. This really means a lot to me."

"Really, it's no problem May, we all love having Peter over." He says with a smile.

"Well, Thank you again. And have fun at school today Peter. Tony you get him today right?"

"Yes Ma'am." Tony says happily.

"Alright well I'll see you later Pete. I love you."

"I love you too May." I say as the line ends.

"Oh my gosh! I get to stay with you for a whole two weeks!" I say excitedly.

"Its gonna be fun kiddo." He says with a smile as we pull up to the school.

"Looks like it's your stop. Have fun." He says as I open the door and hop out.

"I will, see you later." I say as I close the door and he drives off.

I go inside and find my usual gang.

"Sup guys." I say to them.

"Hey Petey Pie." Wade says as he gives me a hug.

"Hey Wade." I say as I chuckle.

"Hey Peter." Ned says as we do our handshake.

"Sup loser." MJ says while reading her book.

"So guess what." I say.

"What?" Wade and Ned say at the same time.

"I get to spend spring break at Stark Tower." I say as Ned's jaw drops.

"You get to spend two weeks with Tony Stark!" Ned says aloud.

"Dude, you're saying this as if he doesn't see him like everyday. Oh and congrats I guess Peter." MJ says while still looking at her book.

"Uh thanks? I guess?" I say as the bell rings. We all run in different directions to get to lunch on time.


Tony's POV

I hear a loud buzzing and look at my phone. A call from Fury? Oh, I'm guessing it's an update on the case. They've come pretty close to freeing team Cap. Honestly I don't know how I feel about it. I don't know if I trust Cap in the slightest. Either way I answer the call.

"Yes?" I say.

"Look, I've got god news and bad news. And you get to hear them both so here it goes. Cap and the rest of the fugitives are now free." Fury says over the phone.

"Congrats I guess, why are you telling me?" I ask snappily.

"Let me get to the bad part. Okay, so the bad part is that they have to stay at SI tower for bit. Until I get it all figured out."

"What! No! No, no, no. Absolutely not." I say angrily. I can't have him in the same house as me, as Pepper, as Peter.

"Look Stark, this is the only way. They will be coming sometime next week." He says as he hangs up.



878 words! Wow this was short. Trust me I know. But thanks for reading anyways. I appreciate it. :)

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