Chapter twenty-three: Sick pt. 1

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Peter's POV

It was that Friday when I woke up, and I felt absolutely terrible. I woke up barely being able to breath and my stomach felt like it was gonna turn inside out. I felt absolutely terrible. I sat up and felt my forehead, it was burning hot. I normally don't get sick because of the whole spider thing, but when I do get sick, it's bad.

I sit up and hear Friday's voice "Good morning Peter, it appears that you a severe case of the flu. You have a 103.2 fever and rising which is very bad for your health. I will be informing Tony." she says as I panic.

"No! No, it's alright Friday." I say as she speaks up again.

"I apologize Peter, but I am programmed to tell him any significant changes about your health." She says as I groan and plop back down.

Tony's POV

I'm putting on my suit and fixing my tie when Friday speaks up "Good morning Boss. It appears that Peter has a severe case of the flu and has a 103.2 fever and rising. He will need someone looking after him for the day due to his medical condition." She says as I look over to Pepper.

"No, uh uh. I get it, you care about him, but this meeting is super important Tony. You can't miss it. Have one of the others watch him." She says as I sigh.

"I can't, they are all out on a mission, even Bruce." I say as she rolls her eyes.

"Not all of them, but either way, how about you text Wade?" She says as I nod.

She's right, the only people that aren't on a mission right now are Bucky and Steve, because I guess they weren't needed, it was more of a spy thing. And they only need Bruce because he's like super smart. But it's alright, Wade will come over.

"Hello Wade. I was hoping you could come over today, Peter is sick and needs someone to watch him." I text him.

Wade then texts back "I would love to come help, but I can't. I have a super important thing going on today. Sorry I can't come, keep me updated."

(Wade has a business offer that he can't not take, and he'd said he'd do it like a month ago. So he can't pass it.)

"It's fine, and I will." I text back as I curse my self. There is no way that I can have Steve and Bucky watch my kid. I mean- uh, that kid, he's not mine. I- uh. Yeah.

"He can't come." I say to Pepper as she looks up from her phone.

"Happy cant either." She says as she walks over to me and takes my hand.

"Look, I know you don't want to hear this but, it's your only choice." She says as I shake my head.

"No, no. I can't." I say as she sighs.

"Tony, think about Peter right now. It will only be for a day." She says as I sigh.

"Fine. But only for a day. And I'm setting rules." I say as she nods.

"Okay, I'll be waiting in the lobby, you go talk to Peter and them." She says as she kisses me on the cheek.

"See you down there." I say as she heads towards the elevator and I go to find thing #1 and thing #2.

I find them in the living room on the couch watching some TV show. They see me walk in and turn it down.

"Look, I have a favor to ask, and as much as I hate to ask it, I have to." I say as Steve stands up.

"What ever it is Tony." He says as Bucky just watches from the couch.

"The kid is really sick right now and needs someone to watch him, and I have no one else to ask." I say as Steve nods.

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