Chapter three: Personal Intern...

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Peter's POV

I wake up practically jumping off the walls, today is the day! It's finally Monday! After what felt like a long weekend and a sleepless night, it's finally the day that I get to work as an intern. Honestly, I'm not even that excited about the whole Tony Stark thing. I'm just excited to get to work in the labs everyday, well eventually. For now I'm gonna be at the bottom. I think?

I get dressed in the nicest close I own. Which is just a pair of jeans and a t-shirt without a pun on it. But that'll have to do I guess. I basically run out the door, May has a early shift today so she doesn't get to scold me out not eating breakfast. I lock up, make sure I have everything, and then run down to the subway. I can't wait to start my day!

I get to school and see Ned and MJ.

"Dude! You get to start your internship today! You will be in the same building as Tony Stark!" Ned says.

"It's not even that man. I mean, I've met him, Ives worked with him plenty of times. I even have his number, just in case. For you know emergency's."

"No way! You have the Tony Stark's number!" Ned says in a loud whisper so only us three can hear it.

"Chill, chill, it's just for business purposes." I say back.

"That is probably the coolest thing you have ever said. I just want to thank you for choosing me to be your friend." Ned says in awe.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." I say with a chuckle as the first bell rings.

"See you guys at lunch." I say as us three part our ways.

The first half of the day goes by pretty smoothly if I do day so myself. Flash has pretty much backed off because of Wade. Which is a blessing in of itself. Now it's lunch.

I get my tray and head over to our table. I see MJ, Ned, and Wade. I guess he's been sitting with us for the last couple of days, I'm not complaining though. But he used to sit with all of the more 'popular' kids. But I'm glad I get to sit with him now.

"Hey guys." I say as I sit down.

"Hey baby boy." Wade says as I blush.

"So, you start your internship today right?" Wade asks.

"Yeah, at four o'clock." I say back.

"That's amazing, how about I walk you over to the tower? After school?" Wade asks.

"Yeah, that would be great." I say smiling.

We eat lunch and make small talk for the next thirty minutes. Now I just have three more classes and then Wade gets to walk me to the internship. How cute is that!

After school is finally over we agree to meet at the front of the school at 3:05. He sees me and walks over.

"Hey Petie Pie. You ready?" Wade asks as he takes my hand and we start walking.

"Of course I am, it's only about making a first impression." I say worriedly.

"Don't worry baby boy, I've never met anyone that hasn't instantly fallen in love you."

"Flash." I say back.

"I said anyone as in human. Not rats." Wade says as I just chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. What ever." I say rolling my eyes as he giggles at me. Gosh he's so cute when he laughs.

"Why are you starring at me?" Wade asks, he's so oblivious, but that just makes him cuter.

"Oh," I say as I blush profusely.

"It's just, you're so cute when you laugh." I say dragging out the 'so'.

"Well I could say the same thing for you Petey Pie." Wade says as he pushes the cross walk button. I can see the tower in the distance, though I'm so excited about the internship, I want to hang out with him more. Oh, well.

"Ooo, we are so close! How excited are you Petey?" Wade asks, his eyes lighting up.

"I'm so exited." I say dragging out the 'so'.

"Well you should be. This is a big day for you." Wade says as he looks down at me. He's so tall.

"You're doing it again." Wade says as he rolls his eyes.

"Doing what?" I ask.

"Staring, didn't May ever tell you that staring is rude?" Wade says with a chuckle.

"I can't help it! You're just so, so, well you know! You!" I say back as my ears turn red.

"Oh baby boy, you have no idea." He says with a big smile as we reach the front of the building. Wow, that walk seemed like it went by in a flash, though it was about thirty minutes long.

"You know Wade, I could get used to you walking me places." I say with a big smile.

"You know what Petey? I was thinking the same thing." Wade says back with a small grin.

"Alright, I think this is where I have to drop you off. Are you ready?" Wade asks.

"No, not at all." I say back.

"Don't worry! You will kill it. If you want to talk about then meet me at our usual spot tonight. How about twelve?" Wade says while he looks down at me.

"That sounds amazing." I say as I let go of his hand.

"See you then." Wade says as he walks away.

I walk inside the building and go up to the front desk.

"Hello, I'm a new intern here. I was wondering if you could help me find out where to go please?" I ask the lady.

"Do you have an ID?" She asks putting on a smile.

"Oh.. umm. Yeah! Here you go." I say as I dig my ID out of my bag and hand it to her.

"Oh yes! Peter Parker! We were hoping you'd show up. He could use a young soul to brighten up his day." She says as she hands the ID back to me.

"Excuse me. He?" I asked wondering who she's talking about.

"Oh Mr. Stark of course! He's been needing a new personal intern. Let's hope you're the one that sticks!" She says with a smile.

Oh. My. Gosh. I'm gonna be his PERSONAL intern. What if he finds out my secret. What if he knows I'm Spider-Man and that's why they called me in? What, no. He couldn't possibly know that. Okay, okay, okay. Don't freak out. Just do what the nice lady says.

"So where would I head then?" I ask nicely.

"Go up to the elevator and it will take you where you need to go." She says as she points towards the elevator.

"Thank you!" I say as I walk towards the elevator. Oh boy this is gonna be fun...

1134 words

Zoo we mama! I hope you enjoyed this because I loved writing it! Please critique me and comment. Thanks so much! Love y'all!

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