Chapter eleven: Animal Shelter

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Tony's POV

Peter just got here from school, he went to the kitchen, got a snack and went to his room. I saw Peter's wallet on the counter. He must have left it in here. I wonder what his ID picture looks like, oh I can't wait to pick on him for it.

I open his wallet and pull out his ID. Wait? What! He has a fake ID! It says that he's 18. Is he buying tobacco? Drugs? Wait, no. I mean come on, it's Peter that I'm talking about.

"Peter! Could you come in here real quick!" I yell as I hear footsteps coming in.

"Hey Mr. Stark? What's up." He asks.

"Care to tell me why you have a fake ID?" I ask while raising an eyebrow.

"Ummmm, you have to be 18 to pet the puppies at PetCo." He says as he blushes and hangs is head. I immediately start laughing like a madman. Of course! That is the most adorable thing I've ever heard.

"Oh my gosh Pete! That is the best response that you could've said. I'm not mad at you, this is hilarious." I say as his face gets even redder as he looks up.

"Come on Mr. Stark. It's not funny. I've never been able to have a dog growing up." He says as his face goes back to its normal color. A dog huh? So this kid wants a dog?

"Well how about we change that?" I say as his eyes light up.

"A dog! Really? You're gonna get me a dog?!" He says as he's basically bouncing off the walls.

"Of course, and you know it's gonna have to stay here. But that will just give you a reason to come over more. Oh and only under one condition." I say with a grin as he gives me a huge hug.

"What's that?" He says while looking up from my chest.

"You have to stop calling me Mr. Stark." I say while raising my eyebrow.

"Deal! But what do you want me to call you?"

"Well, What ever you want kiddo."

"How about Tony, for now at least." He says as he lets go of me.

"Sounds good with me. So what kind do you want?" I ask.

"Can we go to the shelter?" He says with his puppy dog eyes. Really? The shelter? This kids heart is too big for his chest.

"Whatever you want Pete." I say as I lead him to the car.

"We are going right now?" He asks.

"Of course." I say as he smiles.

"Alright but we have to go to PetCo afterwards." He says as he hops in, I have a truck that I don't think I've ever used, but I have it for this type of situation.

"Sounds good." I say with a smile.

We arrived at the shelter around thirty minutes later, as soon as we do Peter jumps out of the truck. We both walk in and the desk lady looks shocked.

"Uh uh, Hello! Welcome to Sydney's Dog Shelter. Please follow me this way so you can look at our selection." She says after she's done staring at us.

She takes us to the room with all of the dogs.

"You came at the perfect time, at noon we let the dogs out everyday so they can play with the other dogs. Just go out there and see which one you bond with." She says with a big smile as Peter runs to the dogs. The dogs range from many different ages and breeds.

After about fifteen minutes of playing with the dogs, Peter seemed to be playing with one dog in particular.

"Mr.- uh Tony. I think this dog is the one." Peter says with a big smile.

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