Chapter thirteen: Team Cap

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Peter's POV

I woke up the next day cuddled in between Goose and Benji. Both of their heads laying on my chest. I try to get up carefully but they both end up waking up instead. I get some clothes and change in the bathroom. After that I head to the kitchen, with both animals following me, I see Tony in there drinking a cup of coffee wearing a suit.

"Hey Pete." He says as Goose jumps on the counter while I sit on one of the bar stools.

He try's to shoo Goose away but fails as Goose hisses at him and snuggles up next to me.

"I'm guessing you have plans for today?" I ask him.

"Yeah, got a big meeting today that I can't miss, other wise I would skip it. But don't worry Nat's gonna be here today so you have her. And Bruce'll probably be roaming around somewhere." He says as he puts his mug in the sink.

"Can I have a friend over today?" I ask using my puppy dog eyes.

"Who?" He asks while raising an eyebrow, though I think he knows.

"Wade." I say with a smile AND my puppy dog eyes. I mean come on, you can't say no.

"Ugh. You can't look at me like that. Fine. But I better not find out about any canoodling." He says as I blush and he laughs.

"Tony!" I say as he walks towards the elevator. He goes to press the button only for the elevator to open up on its own, Wade stepping out.

"Baby boy!" He says as he runs towards me and gives me a huge hug.

"How did he-" Tony starts.

"Well I kinda knew you would say yes so I already invited him over." I say with a smile as Wade lets go of me. Wade then picks me up bridal style and plops me on the couch.

Tony just rolls his eyes and says "Whatever kid. Have fun, but not to much fun." With a evil smile and the elevator doors close.

"Alright, what shall we do Petey Pie?" Wade asks as he looks at me, laying on the couch with Benji on my legs and Goose laying on my chest.

"Is that Goose?" He asks.

"How'd ya know?" I ask him while I sit up.

"If I ever go to the shield base he's always roaming around." He says as he sits next to me. Picking up Goose and putting him in his lap.

"I don't know why they said that people are scared of him. He's just so cute." I say to Wade.

"I was thinking that at first but he can get very vicious to others. He only likes a couple of people Fury said. He was surprised when Goose likes me." Wade said as he was petting Goose.

"Fury was the same way when he saw Goose come up to me." I say as Nat walks in.

"Oh, hello Wade. Is that Goose?" She says as she backs up. I just laugh.

"Uh Yeah. Fury is having me watch him over the break. Oh and Tony is out for the day." I say as she carefully sits down on the recliner.

"Great, Yeah. So you guys wanna watch something?" She says as me and Wade situate ourselves. We end up sitting next to each other sharing a blanket while Goose sits in Wade's lap and Benjis head is in mine. We also propped our feet up on the ottoman, my feet laying on his obviously.

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