Chapter five: Self Defense

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I'm sorry for such a big jump but it is necessary so don't @ me.

4 months later

Peter's POV

I've officially been Mr. Starks intern for four months, I've also been Wade's boyfriend for four month. To say the least this couple of months have been a dream. I've even gotten pretty close with Mr. Stark, I sometimes go over when it's not scheduled. And May got a raise! It's been pretty awesome.

It's a Friday and today I get to go with Mr. Stark and spend the whole weekend with him! It's gonna be sooo much fun. I wake up and get dressed for school. I can't wait to see Wade, as if I didn't see him 8 hours ago on patrol, or at school yesterday.

I see May in the kitchen and go to say goodbye.

"Goodbye Aunt May! I'll see you on Monday. I love you." I say while giving her a hug and taking a banana from the fruit basket.

"Bye Peter, have fun this weekend. I love you." She says as she waves me goodbye.

I walk out the door and head towards the subway. I end up getting to school with about 15 minutes to spare.

"Hey Ned, MJ, Wade." I say as I walk towards them. Wade grabs me and pulls me into a hug.

"Hey baby boy." Wade says as he lets go of me and subtly grabs my hand.

"Hey DP." I say with a grin.

"Sup loser." MJ says looking up from her book. That's development.

"Hey Peter. Whatcha do Wednesday and Yesterday?" Ned asks because he wasn't here.

"I went over to the tower and we worked on Mark 54. I ended up falling asleep and staying the night on Wednesday and yesterday we just did some paperwork." I say while Ned gapes at me. No matter how long I've done this he still never gets over it.

"So that's why you weren't on patrol?" Wade asks.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. I shoulda stayed up but I didn't want him to check and then me be missing from my room." I say back.

"Don't worry, you should get your sleep." Wade says with a cheeky smile.

"You have a room at SI?" Ned asks excitedly.

"Oh, yeah. Mr. Stark insisted because I would sometimes fall asleep. It's super embarrassing, but he's chill about it." I say back to Ned as he gawks.

"And he hasn't found out about you know what? Will you get tell him?" Ned asks.

"No, surprisingly he hasn't found out. It's so crazy because I'll work on stuff with him like web fluid and stuff like that and it's for me. Be he doesn't know and it's so weird. But I'll probably let it slip eventually, I mean he should know. Just not yet." I say back as the bell rings.

"See you all at lunch!" I yell out as we all head out separate ways.

Time skip to after school because im lazy

On Peter's phone.

"Hey Petey Pie. You gonna meet me outside so I can walk you?" Wade texts.

"Yeah, I'll be there in a second. Just let me put my stuff in my locker. <3" I text back as I'm smirking at my phone.

I close my locker and then I hear a little too familiar voice.

"Sup Penis. Where's your little boyfriend to back you up?" I hear. Before I turn around I call Wade and put him on mute so that way he can hear us but I can't hear him.

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