Section Two

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"Harry, wake up"

"For fucks sake, Harry wake the fuck up!!"

Allie was in front of me and yeah... she didn't look happy.

"We need to move."

I stood up slowly. My whole body hurt. I stretched my arms and heard my back cracking... my legs felt numb. I was used to it by then.

"We need to get to Section Two, they opened it a few weeks ago. It's a few hours away. We're lucky I found this poster today, let's go" she folded the poster, grabbed her bag and started walking west.

"Really? We're not having breakfast?" I grabbed my old bag and ran to catch her.

We usually walked quietly, it was saver. Both cause they couldn't find us and because Allie wasn't in a good mood that day, and trust me you don't want to talk to Allie when she's mad. So like ninjas, we walked our way through the deserted streets of Auckland city. After three hours walking we stopped in what used to be Queen street in the search for something to eat for breakfast but nothing. We did find some cold water, that's when the first smile of the day appeared on Allies face.

Finally! It was annoying to see your best friend acting like your bossy mum all the time, plus, I fucking loved when she smiled.

What? I liked her being happy, specially with all that was happening.

After our little stop we continued walking. Every now and then we needed to stop and hear, in case someone or something was near, it really didn't matter what to be honest... anything that moved was dangerous so better to take precautions. We walked for two more hours until we finally saw the walls. Finally we arrived to Section Two and most probably we weren't going to get out of it again. We were save.

Of course when we got there all the snipers guarding the walls pointed at us. Two seventeen year old couldn't be too dangerous and immediately, after shouting some "building up trust" words, one of them came to open us the huge wooden gates.

"Identify yourselves" he was holding his rifle tight.

I had my small gun ready too motherfucker, just in case.

"Allie Hill, seventeen years old, I'm from here, I used to live in Orakei." The man looked at her from head to toes and then passed his attention to me.

"Uhh... I'm Harry Wilson, also seventeen eh... I was her neighbor and yeah I'm from New Zealand too." Allie looked at me with an indignant look. The man looked at me suspicious and turned back to Allie.

"You may pass. You'll be examined and familiarize with the rules once you get in." We got away from the man and Allie pinched my arm.

"What the fuck was that? This ain't a joke dude... please just, don't be you for a couple of seconds..."

"Shit... deep words there. So who should I be then?" She gave me that threaten look again and turned to face the two guards that we were approaching.

"Just shut the fuck up, let me talk." She almost whispered that through her teeth, then gave a fake warm smile to the guard in front of us.

"Welcome to Section Two. My name is Miriam, please let your weapons on the desk, take all your clothes but the underwear and proceed to the decontaminator." Allie didn't hesitate a second. She took her three knifes, my dad's rifle, the hand grenade we found yesterday and left it on the desk. Then she started taking her clothes off...


"What the fuck are you staring at? Is not the first time you see me like this so come on..."

Well that was true.

Obviously nothing happened between us... we were only friends. Thing is, we've been seven months on the run together, searching for our nearest section and there's been times where... yeah lets just say there wasn't lots of places to hide and change. The first times where awkward, then we took turns and shit, but after a while well... yeah fuck it. Surviving was the important shit. Therefore I also left my hand gun.

Fuck I was gonna miss that little beauty...

Then my bow and arrows, finally left my knife and yeah... took the next step.

Decontamination was just getting inside a big as machine in your underwear where compressed air came out from every angle and blow your skin off... or at least it felt like that.

After that they gave us clean clothes and shoes... fuck they smelled so nice that when I put them on I felt like I was floating. Allie seemed to feel the same cause she took a deep breath and smiled for the second time today, this time closing her eyes for a second. Her brown hair tight up in a long plait fell gently on the green military t-shirt that matched with her hazel yellowy elf eyes. She looked slightly more relaxed. Then this big as man came in.

"Alright kiddos, I'm general J. Please follow me... here comes the rules you guys will need to follow. I want you guys to listen carefully because I'm not repeating a single word." He was big and fit, I felt like an insignificant bumblebee next to him.

Not the transformer of course... fuck that would be cool.

He was basically the opposite of me to be honest, short military blond hair, dark brown eyes, little tanned... yeah you could tell Allie was a little bit hypnotized by him at this stage.

"First of all, number one rule... don't trespass the camp at any cost unless you are specifically ordered to do so. If you do so you won't be permitted to get in the camp again." He pauses for questions and reacted to the silence proceeding "Security rules, you'll be staying in a little house, there's still a few empty so you two will get one." He breathed out and continued

"Doors must be locked during night time and opened during day light, same thing with windows. You will both have keys to both the main door and the back door. One of them needs to stay outside hidden underneath the doormat in case of emergency, this is for your own safety and others and it owill be checked every night." He stopped again to swallow and continued...

Was that going to take long?? Cause I fucking needed to piss.

"No weapons are permitted in the camp unless you're on watching duty. You will be told when to do that. Food and other supplies will be given every day at the main tent. We've got a small farm, several plantations and a tank of water with drinkable water. Every week you will have a different job to do." He looked at us serious as fuck and concluded with the old same question "Any questions?"

I put my hand up. He signaled me to talk with his head. I cleared my throat "What does J stands for?"

He looked at me confused, Allie hit herself on the forehead. I shrugged my shoulders to her, she couldn't even look at me.

"Jack, it stands for Jack. Everything else is clear?" I looked at Allie.

"Yes sir!" We sang together.

"Then Miriam will show you the house. Welcome to Section Two again guys, make yourselves at home." He opened the doors and we got out of the horrible lab looking entrance hall. The sun burned my eyes...

Ahh with so many decontaminating and rules shit I felt like if I turned into a fucking old vampire!!

When my eyes got used to the light though I couldn't believe it. I remember my first thought was,

Finally... I can have breakfast.

1303 words

So, chapter two ladies and gents.

I think I'm not gonna do to much commentaries on this one. Or actually I think I might not do commentaries after every chapter tbh.

I do hope you keep on reading though cause things are going to get exciting in a lot of different ways. This ain't a normal zombie apocalypse story.

I remind the little commentary on spelling from before. Just in case.

Thank you all for reading!

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