It's a shame, we need to go.

9 0 0

Ahhhh this is horrible. Damn it why does everything go in slow motion!!

I can't milk a cow without falling asleep at least two or four times. It's already lunch time Allie is not appearing.

"Man you looking good!!" John appears and sits in front of me with a naughty smile. "So... how was Allie tonight?" I kick him on the shin.

"She was a hundred meters away from me you idiot. Don't start." He stares at me for a while with that smile. I look at him seriously and he stops.

"Damn man... when are I guys going to realize there's something going on between you two?" I roll my eyes at him.

"I couldn't sleep tonight... plus I need to start working early so..."

"Uhh don't exaggerate... six o'clock is a good hour." He pads me on the back. "Are you feeling alright though? You look horrible dude...."

"Yeee thanks." He looks at me serious. "Yeah... don't worry. I'm feeling alright." I bite a bit of my chicken sandwich and drink a sip of water. Damn I needed this.

Last night has hunted my mind. John seems fine this morning but I had to ask.

"Yo..." He looks up from his bacon and cheese sandwich and lookes straight in to my eyes.


I cleared my throat "uhm Have you been robbed or feel like things are disappearing this days?" His eyebrows frown.

"Uhhh I don't think so..." then suddenly something seems to click in his mind "Wait a moment... yesterday morning half of my fruit was missing and so did some of the bread I left out unfreezing. I though I hate them somehow but I couldn't remember doing so..."

"I knew it..." Fuck I thought out loud. John stares at me surprise.

"What do you know?" He leaves his sandwich on the silver paper.

"Uhh that you had memory problems..." he glazes at me amazed.


"Fuck dude... how many times you came in the farmyard yesterday?"

"Six I think, why?" He looks so confused. Where am I going with all this shit? Why not just telling him the truth?

"Ehh... cause you actually got in seven. I thought it was weird you couldn't remember that u came at lunch time again and stayed to talk to me for a while..." his eyes turn like to big plates.

"You are kidding me aye?" I swallow.

"No dude... I'm serious. Maybe you should go see the doctor." He grabs his bacon sandwich.

"Yeah I don't know what you hiding... but you know what, is all good dude." He winks at me with his right eye. "Every man has his secrets." Said that, he stands up and goes towards the farmyards door. I smile ashamed.

"I'll continue milking now. You go and rest a little bit... you look like one of those cunts out there desperate for fresh meet." I kneel at his feet.

"Oh yo man thanks!! Thanks so much!" I stand up, grab half of the sandwich I have left and run home.

Bed... Here I come!!


"Ahhhh!!!!" I wake up. My hard was pounding.

What now?! Who's screaming? Fucking kids for real can't they play in silence.

I heard someone running up the stairs. Allie had the rifle on her hand.

Wait... I rubbed my eyes. The rifle?

Flame FlaresOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora