New friends

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Nothing. I hear a gunshot and something explodes. I open my eyes. My ears ring, everything is blur.


My heart drops. No please.

I turn back. She's still here with her arms over her head. I gently take her face and turn her to look at me.

"Are you ok?" She nods. I grab her around the back, and help her up. Without letting her go, I look around. John and Zack are coughing, there is dust everywhere. We are surrounded by zombies, I can hear them groaning.

Why aren't we being attacked?

The dust starts to disperse. A pile of dead bodies surrounds us, some of them are on fire. Confused I grab Allie and let her on Johns care. He looks at me confused.

Where did the fire come from?

I got closer to the burning (still groaning) zombies and find pieces of glass around them.

A Molotov cocktail?!

My eyes shift from the floor to the others. I look at them searching for an answer, they all shrug their shoulders. Something has explode outside. The rest of the zombies have most probably been attracted by the noise.

Lucky, that's why they ain't eating us now. But...

"Hey you idiots! Over here" a curly haired boy calls us from the entrance, he's waving at us to follow him. It was the curly haired boy!! The one from the that night! The four look at each other, I shrug my shoulders.

What else can we do?

"You guys fucked our plan... thank God we heard the gunshots right in time." We stare at him confused. "Man you guys are deaf-mute or something?"

"Uhhhh no..." I spoke up. He looks at us as if we need to give him something.

"Man... you're welcome"

"Oh yeah... thanks for saving our lives..." Zack seems to have recovered his senses.

"Yeah... and from stealing from us..." his turns abruptly to look at me. He seems surprised.

"Ohhh I see... well no time for that now. We need to get out of here. There's probably some more coming, hand grenades are helping but not for too long so..." he swallows "Uhh.. Helena is waiting for us." He definitely has our age, maybe younger... fifteen or sixteen?

I don't said a word. We follow him to meet Helena. She's hiding behind a car a couple of meters away.

"Ok guys follow me... we know a way out." She extends her hand to me "Helena, nice meet you... you are?" I shake her hand.

"Harry and this are Allie, John and Zack" they all said hi.

"Sweet follow us." She and her curly as hair start guiding us to the whole we came from.

Idiots. How do they think we came in?

"We know the way too... we came in that way..." they look at me, but they don't seem surprised.

"I see... that actually makes sense. We wondered how was it broken..." Allie, John and Zack look very confused.

"Do you know this guys?" Allie appears next to me and whispers in my ear.

"Kind of... is a long story I'll tell it to you later. We need to get out of here now" we are walking fast... all zombies seem to have gone towards the hand grenades Helena threw a moment ago. I can see we are getting closer. It's clear. We start running and in a couple of seconds we're out of there safe and sound.

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