Surprise Motherfucker

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We camp a kilometer away from Section Two... we want to try and go back in there to grab more supplies before running away from there as far away as possible. At this time it must be full of Frankensteins, but some bullets and hand grenades could be useful to have out here. That's why we need to go back.

We just build up a fire. We don't have tents so we trying to make random beds with two blankets Zack had in his bag and using our bags as the pillows.

Really comfy aye? Yeah we're back to normal. Heaven is over.

"I have some can soup" Allie takes four cans our of her bag.

"Yum..." I'm not a fan of tomato soup.

"Yeah... back to the normal life." Fuck did she just read my mind! It's true though... Section Two was opened two months ago and it didn't took long for it to get infected too. We only spent a month there... it was too good to be true.

Fuck but it was so nice. I miss bacon already.

"Maybe we should bring the bigs with us??" Everyone looks at me surprised at my comment.

"You can't take anything seriously aye?" Zack smiles at me. "Well at least you're positive. Good vibes are always needed." After that he gives me a can of soup. "Enjoy it"

"Thanks man"

Ahhh shit shit it burns!

I leave the cab besides me, I think I'm leaving it there for a couple of minutes.

Fuck that was torture!! He could've told me... damn.

Now, I want to make something clear, despite my so called good vibes my head is full of shit. I'm damn worried. Worried about Zack, John... about Allie. Worried about not having a normal life again. About not having moments like this one again. Who knew... maybe I'm dead tonight!

I do try tho... thinking positively...

Once we all finish our soup we decide to go to sleep. Tomorrow is gonna to be tough as. Zack and John like good brothers share a blanket.

Of course I get stuck with Allie... she trusts me more than the others, plus we're used to it by now.

"Ahhh back to our comfy bed... don't worry I won't get to close."

"Shut up Harry..." she moves trying to get comfier. I want to put my arms around her, be her blanket. Make sure nothing happens to her. Be right there if she needs me. I don't know... I move to face the other way. Wha the hell, she's tougher than me, she's ok.

Maybe just a little cold but... her choice is her choice.

As always I can't sleep. Every now and I turn to see the stars. My mum used to call them the night pearls... she said that just as she dressed nice to got out and put on those pearl necklaces she used to love... the night did as well. She believed the night wanted to be pretty so we could enjoy her beauty and elegance. For us to have moments like those. Together.

"Harry? Are you still awake?" Allie is also facing up.

"Yes sir" neither her or me moves our eyes from the stars.

"What's on your mind ma friend? We haven't talked properly for a while..." I smile at her comment, chills run down my body.

"True..." I clear my throat a little. "My mum"

"Oh yes... about that night when you got caught outside at the backyard while waiting for me?" I can't help my self from laughing a tinny bit. Not to loud though. I don't want to wake up the two 'snoring bros' a few meters away from us.

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