Hidden secret, lost it all

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I smell... pancakes?

My eyes wide open. I breath in deeply... the sweet smell of syrup fills my lungs... Allie was still asleep next to me.  Anthony and Zack, also by my side, are very much awake, I can feel they're excited about the smell too.

"Oh finally, you are awake..." Helena's voice comes from the door. "I was just about to call you all for breakfast. Wake everyone up, they're gonna get cold." Said that, she disappears behind the door and runs back to business.

I turn to look at Allie. She really doesn't like people waking her up... despite that I get the courage to extend my arm and shake her a little. "Allie, hey..."

"Aauhm" complaining she covers her head with the pillow and changes her position.

"Hey... rise and shine. There's pancakes for breakfast." Still nothing, she doesn't move, not a bit "they're going to get cold...." still having the pillow on her face, she uncovers her left eyes in order to look at me.

She's annoyed... I can tell, but not as much as she normally is.

"Okay okay shut up... anything for pancakes." She takes her hair back and sits up.


We almost finishing, the pancakes are so good that I'm thinking of having another one but it would be my fifth. While I'm having this mental breakdown on having more pancakes  or not, everyone is discussing on what we're doing today and establishing roles.

Helena clears her throat "Alright... then, after changing it three times..." she gives a killer look to Anthony and proceeds "We decided that: John and Allie are going to go to the river to grab some water, Anthony and Zack you guys go hunting, cause guys we are running out of meat... and finally Harry and I are gonna go for wood." She sighs and looks straight into Anthony's eyes "Do we all agree now?" He nods, so the rest of us "Sweet as, then let's get started!"


A few hours have last and I'm now alone in the woods with Helena...

"You need to grab little branched first... they are good to..."

"Start the fire... yes, I know." I smiled at her, she smiles back. An awkward silent fills the air.

"So... did you get to sleep at the end... I mean, last night?" She grabs a big branch now and looks at me searching for an answer.

"Uhh yeah... it took a while, but yup." Awkward silent again. "You?"

"Yeah... I fell dead on my bed the moment I got there." The way she said it makes me laugh.

"What's so funny?" She sounds serious but she can't stop her self from smiling.

"The way you said it... dunno"

"Tsssss, gdmit..." She sighs in disbelief.

Silence again, this time less awkward though.

"So... what did you want to do with your life before all this? Did you have any ideas?" I brake the ice this time. Her smile fades.

"Well yeah... I wanted to be a dancer. A hip hop dancer. I started dancing with 3 years old. Of course I stopped when this occurred." Her bag is almost full... She is looking down at it. Randomly she changes moods and happily asks "You?"

"Photographer... I think. I liked taking pictures. Or film director... something to do with that. I wasn't really sure. I didn't have much experience at it either... I started a lot of projects but never finished them..." In that moment  a movie I tried to create came into my mind... I was so excited to do it!! But it involved a lot of people... I saw it impossible to make. I knew they wouldn't have time for it. So I stopped writing the script.

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