Different Feelings

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I wake up in the middle of the night. Cold sweat is pouring down my forehead. I'm breathing fast and uncontrollably. I search for Allie next to me.

I can't see shit!

My heart stops for a sec and beats again, now in a lower speed. She's ok. I put my hand on her face to feel her breath. She's next to me sleeping like a baby.

Lucky girl...

I dreamed again that she was getting attacked. This time it was ten times worse, cause I saw everything and I couldn't move, or scream, or talk... breathe... nothing. My whole body was paralyzed. I shiver, I can feel the cold sweat down my back.

"Why is your hand on my face Harry?" Shit I woke her up.

"I was trying to see if you were ok." She sits up a little bit.

"Why would you want to do that?" Just after she says that Anthony snores loud as.

"Ok... a couple of days ago I dreamed you were attacked by a zombie. By a woman zombie..." she looks at me confused.

"Ok... what does that needs to do with you putting your hand in my face right now?" The moon light is coming through the houses small window. She's staring at me with her eyes half shut and her brown hair all messy.

I need to admit she looks pretty even when she's half asleep...

"Well yesterday when we got attacked the bitch of my dream was the one that attacked us before the cocktail molotov exploded." She glazes at me like if she wants to kill me.

"You're kidding me aye?"

"No... I swear I'm not." She keeps that glaze straight at me. "Look, I just dreamed you were attacked again. This time it felt real. Despite the fact I couldn't move and shit but..." Anthony snores again.

"Hey hey hey... slow it down." She stops me from continuing. "How about we sleep now and you tell me everything tomorrow??"

I must look like an idiot.

"Ok... whatever... I'm just glad you are alright." I lay down upset at her reaction. She doesn't believe me.

After a while she falls asleep, to the contrary my eyes are wide open. I stand up to drink some water, I turn to go back to my bed when I realize that Helena isn't in hers.

Where is she?

I check my clock, it's 4:30am. Is it possible that's she robbing somewhere? But why alone?

I have nothing to loose right? I'm going out side.

I start going down the stairs, from the top I can see her laying down in the ground. She looks calm, she's got her gun with her though. Fair enough. Despite the booby traps around the tree house you need to take precautions. I lay next to her.

"Hey" I wait for an answer but she downsize say a word, her eyes stuck on the clear night sky ignore me completely.

Uhhh okay... no talking then.

The night breeze and the nature sounds around me are so relaxing that I get immersed in my own world. I take a deep breath, filling my lungs with pure air and sight. This is just what I needed. I could sleep here tonight.

"I feel a connection with the stars. They make me feel like everything is ok. Do you feel that too?" Her voice makes me jump. We have been silent for a while and I wasn't expecting her to talk.

Uhhhh... random thingy to ask but...

"Uhmmm yeah... kind of. They remind me to my mum. So yeah." She smiles. Her white teeth shine in the dark and so the stars reflection in her eyes.

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