Finally found... wait, what?!

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We were walking through the forest. Allie wasn't with us. Helena was calling her name. She was next to me.

It was the same image of the dream...  I kept my eyes open for any clues. She couldn't be too far. It was a cold day. The wind made the trees crack and every to minutes I got goosebumps.

I didn't feel all this in my dream. It's fucking freezing!!

"Harry... it's getting dark. We've been calling her all day... it's cold. We can come back tomorrow." Helena put her hand on my shoulder... she was trembling of cold.

"I just saw the image of the dream... we need to keep going."

"Mate... you have been saying that since we started searching..." Zack's hair got drizzled on and he seemed tired.

"I'm not going..." I felt it, we were close, we couldn't go.

"Harry please... they have a point." John seemed weak, his wound was bleeding a little bit through the bandages. "Even if we find her now... it's going to get dark soon." Suddenly the dream I had of her being attacked the night before the kidnapping came to my mind... I couldn't risk her converting. Where is she?!

"You guys go... I'll stay here a little more time" John nodded at me, he signed the others to follow me and lead them back to the cottage. In my dream I was alone... maybe this wasn't a good idea. Was it worth the risk?

The wind seemed to get stronger. If I really had powers... where the fuck were they now? I had been trying to create that flame again while we were searching but nothing happened.

I stopped walking, maybe if I... I try again... I stare at my hand and trying to visualize the flame.

I can see it, I can feel it, I can... ugh

Nothing... It was ridiculous. It must've been a lighter or something... the flame a post trauma, but not powers. Same with the dreams... I was putting my friends in danger for nothing.

"Where are you Allie?" I gave one last look around... nothing.

I turned around to go back to the cottage when on the corner of my eye I saw a light. I turned around. A fire. It was pretty far and hidden but I could see it.

I ran until I was a few meters away and started to walk. I could hear men talking. The fire was big and hot. I hid behind a bush. It was a camp. I looked around me, a dear was hanging from a tree nearby, they had a few rabbits cooking in the fire, a portable tent and a plastic table with two chairs where two men were sitting down. They seemed to be hunters. I couldn't see Allie anywhere.

"What are you doing?!" I froze. One of the man was looking straight to where I was hiding. I stayed low & didn't make a sound.

"Are you mute? Why don't you answer?"

I began to stand up. My hands already in a surrender position.

"Uhh yes sorry... I went to grab some wood" I hid back into the bush. My heart beating at 100 beats per second. This female voice came from behind me, Allie?

I turn to look at her. She was looking forward to the man, her arms were full of dry tree branches... it was definitely her.

She didn't seem to have seen me. She walked towards the fire with determination and confidence. I tried to wave at her or grab her attention but she couldn't see me.

"Why did you take so long?" A man came out from the tent and blocked her from throwing the wood to the fire.

"I went to a dry tree a little bit further... I saw it yesterday when we were walking back here. I thought it would be easier to get wood from there" she looked at the pile of wood in her arms and also opened her back to show him "Guess I was right" the man got closer to her. I bet she could smell his breath.

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