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It's already night time, and as always I'm finding it hard to fall asleep. Shotguns sound every now and then, for some unknown reason we're being spotted a lot lately.

The snippers are having a good time killing zombies.

But I can't sleep. When I close my eyes the  bitch from the dream appears trying to eat me. So... I prefer staying awake while Allie snores next to me.

At least I'm save in a bed...

I think about how hard it is to stay alive out there with the virus spreading not only on humans but on animals too. Allie's dog got the virus, that's how we know, the motherfucker bit her parents. Peter her brother was in United States so we lost all contact with him... he isn't replying any of the messages or phone calls so.

When it comes to my family... Lucy was only six, so she couldn't keep up and... my dad was holding her hand but... Fuck I can't think of it, I missed her so dam much. I missed my parents too. We got trapped in a dairy... it was full of them. The only way out was through a small window and they couldn't make it. Allie and I were lucky.

I close my eyes again. I just want to sleep. But no... this nightmare, this crazy woman appears again. The night goes by and I can't stop my thoughts from drifting away.

Ahhh I'm going down to the kitchen, I feel like eating a piece of brownie.

My idea changes when I imagine Allie's furious face... fuck she can be scary sometimes. I gradually start falling asleep when...

Did I just heard the front door opening? What the fuck?

I lean up. Allie groans next to me and takes all the sheets to her side of the bed.

I roll my eyes but ignore her and concentrate, I boost my earring for a couple of minutes see if it's just me going crazy or if there's actually someone downstairs. Nothing. I lay back again and try to get half of the sheets Allie was cuddling with back.


I jump out of the bed... there's someone downstairs, definitely. I grab my night lamp.

What? I need something in case of emergency.

Chills run down my spine. I want to wake Allie up but I think it's better to let her sleep. I go to the stair case. It's dark and I can barely see. Step by step I go down. Noises are coming from the living room...

I press my body against the wall. I breath in and out.

Ahhh shit On the count of three...

One. My heart starts racing.

Two. I hold on tight to the lamp. Bite my lips, hold my breath.


Ahhh!!! Fuck

Wait. Nothing? Silence.

The moon light comes through the window. It's empty.

I turn around. I was a hundred percent sure I heard something, maybe it was the wind. Uhhhg I just want to sleep...

Suddenly something moves next to me. I jump scared and extend the lamp in front of me.

Oh... It's my shadow... damn that scared me.

I breath out and relax a little bit. I guess I am going crazy after all.

Come on Harry lower the lamp and go back to the stair case... thank God I didn't wake up Allie.

"Harry..." I turn back immediately. What the fuck was that? Suddenly a little human shadow appears in front of me.

I can't recognize it. I rise my lamp and get close to it...

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