Chapter 1

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Germany, Berlin

Deep somewhere stood a mutant school, kids, and teens in blue or black suits, testing their abilities with a coach beside them.

The room was big with glass Windows and tables, black and white tiles, walls painted in white, and shelves.

"Mr. S? I'm scared!" A little five years old boy with dark hair and a line of white hair in the middle of his hair in a blue suit (costume) peeped up at a bigger man and said, his eyes clearly showing the presence of fear.

"Don't be Robert, all you have to do is lift and freeze the glass cup on the table, you can do it," the black big man in the black suit said, as he crouched down to the boy's height with his little hand in his big black ones.

"O-otay," the little boy took a deep breath and sigh, he stretched his little hands to the cup, and concentrated as much as possible, the cup took off from the table and was floating.

"Good Robert good, now freeze it, I know you can do it! don't let your fear control you!" The man spoke.

The boy just gave a faint nod, he concentrated more and the cup started freezing when all of a sudden BOOM! The school trembled as the flame caught it.

The glass dropped and the lad jumped in the arms of the bigger man.

"Mr. S I'm scared! What is happening?!" The little lad screamed as some men in black came in and started shooting the mutants, nevertheless, the mutants tried using their powers to take them down but that was just impossible they were too many, unfortunately, they overthrew the mutants and killed them all.

"What is happening?!" The boy screamed once again.

"They killed them, the mutants are dead!" The bigger man yelled over the sounds of a gunshot.

"No," the boy whispered as tears welled in his eyes, he furrowed his brows, while panting something was happening, he was scared, scared to die.

"Mr. S I don't wanna die!" He screamed.

"Calm down, Drake, your hands!"

He brought his hands to view and saw they were turning white, his hair too was becoming white "I-i don't wanna die! Ughhhh!" He fell on his knees and screamed.

"Oh my gosh!" The man stared as the boy's skin tore.

His hands became bigger with Thorns of ice poking out from his back, his feet grew bigger tearing his clothes, he grew bigger, he was covered with ice like Cristal, the little boy had faded it was an ice monster!

The man secured hiding behind a shelf and watched in horror, as the monsters snatched the men and tore them, destroying everything, the men ran in shooting at the monster but their bullet only hit him and fell doing no harm.

The room was in a total crick crack BOOM!

The monster grew small revealing a soak wet boy laying on the floor with nothing after the fight.

The man ran to him covering him with a jacket he picked from the floor.

"Mr. S? What happened?" He stared at the bigger man that was crouched to his height.

"You killed them all!"

The boy looked around terrified, "I d-did this?"

"Your powers!" The man took his little cold hand in his, "you've got surpassing powers! You can't control them! Is it better if you don't use them again!" He put some gloves on the boy's hands.

"But you said I should try, you said I should never keep them in!"

"Yes, I did! But that was before I saw you turn into a monster killing everyone, you're just five yet with those abilities! Listen, Don't show anyone, don't tell anyone, they must never know! Trust no one, don't take off your gloves and most important of all Don't try! Is way too risky, they might find you."

The boy sobbed looking at his gloved covered palms. "I am a monster," he whispered between sobs.

The man scooped him in his arms, rubbing gently at his back as he sobbed.

"They'll surely come back" He murmured looking at the mess around.

Two years later

"Mr. S where are we going," the boy asked, staring at the people as the car moved.

"Somewhere you'll be safe," he replied, not taking his eyes off the road.

Then stopped in front of a building, the man opened the car door for the boy who hopped down.

He crouched to the boy's height "Now listen Drake, you must obey these rules, don't let them know, don't tell, trust no one, don't take off your gloves, and don't try!"

"I know Mr. S, why are you telling me that?"

The man sighed, "I'm leaving you here."

"W-why? The boy began tearing, "was I a bad boy? Am a monster, you don't want me anymore, right?" Tears streamed down his cheeks.

"Heck! No! I love you, you're a smart and good boy, I just have a mission, you'll stay with your foster mother, the time I finish my mission." He wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"W-will you come back?" He stared at the man hoping for a yes, they were both silent for a while.


"Mr. Nick?" A lady called from behind them.

"Mrs. Jennifer, here is the kid, take good care of him, and he's very sick, his gloves he can't take them off, he can contact bacteria and that won't be too good for his fragile health, he's been sick since he was a baby."

The woman nodded, "you explained in his file, I promise to take care of him."

The boy jumped in the man's arm and hugged him tightly, "please don't go," he whispered.

"You're safe with her, don't forget the rules, follow them and everything will be well I promise, now I have to go." The man broke the hug and headed to his car, sighing before opening the car door.

The boy made an attempt to go to the man but the woman caught his wrist and pulled him inside the building. The boy didn't stop staring at the car till it drove off.

"Welcome to your new home darling" she smirked.

Hey guys this is my sixth book and I hope it is good that you read This chapter. Please leave a comment or vote, I really wanna know what you think. Por favor!

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