Chapter 37

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Is been one month since I moved in our big house with my rich parents, they were blameless, non abusive, respective, kind citizens blah blah blah. I don't care I don't believe that shit.

They're still under private investigation, my father is an Irish American while my mother is a Jewish, turns out that I'm half Irish half Jewish, finally am not a German but an American, since I was born in New York.

We haven't move out of Queen yet, they want me to adapt my new life, and am not ready to give in.

I haven't spoken to them since I came in, just those rare times when the say hey and I reply with a hi, most of my time is spent in my beautiful room or outside fighting crimes with spiderman or spending time with MJ.

You might think am just impossible, but don't blame me, I don't feel save around them, after what I went through in the pass I won't be able to trust any adult, so I stay away from my parents scared they might hit me when they're angry.

"So tell me Lou, how is your family life going?" Peter asked as we skate in the pack.


"I mean movie night fun? Don't tell me you guys don't do that!"

"Uh, yeah we don't, we barely spoke with each other." I said.

"Are they kinda always busy?"

"No, I uh.. Is better that way, I don't want to speak with them."

"You mean the problem is you?"


"Yeah, if not tell me what is the favourite colour of your mum?"

"Dunno," I shrugged.

"What is your dad profession?"

"He owns a family enterprise stuff like that, am before you ask again, I don't know anything about them, just that they're both working and come home late."

"Jeez! Louis! You need to let them in, they're not bothering you now cause they understand you need some space, but you can't live like strangers for ever."

He stopped to grab his skateboard, I did same we sat on a bench, admiring the evening sun.

"I can't let them in peter, what if my childhood repeats all the pain and," I sigh bowing my head down.

"Lou, you just scare, they won't hurt you, I think you should let them in, or they'll end up getting enough."

"I don't care! If they had enough or not is their fucking business, I don't need them, they can kick me out, I'll be more than please." I smirk.

"Am not talking about kicking you out, if you are distant and act like a rebel, you'll end up with a grounding." Peter said, what does grounding means.

I tense a little, "uh, what does that mean?"

"Hey relax, it is harmless, but a torture, you are restricted from going out of the house, your phone or games are taken away, only thing left is boredom, that is the worst punishment ever."

"Oh, I don't care, they can't punish me, am not a kid or an ordinary teenager, I've got powers."

"Continue with your rebellious attitude Lou, and wait for the consequences."

"Whatever dude, shall we go for this crime fighting?"

Peter nodded, we went to an alley, took off our clothes, fortunately we have our suit just under, I put on my mask peter did same, we drop our bags on a roof, and our hunt of criminals started.

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