Chapter 31

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I held tight to my book as I walked the hallway, it was kinda empty, guess everyone was so hungry.

I'm presently heading to the lunch room where I'll find Peter and the rest, I can't stop thinking of how Natasha and I fought side by side.

At first I was scared because she tried to kill me, I could've taken her down but then I felt guilty, I almost killed her before if I can remember, but then she offered me a chance to fight by her side, she is so brave, I think I admire her, hey calm down there that's not what you're thinking am not crushing on her, I don't think I'll ever crush on someone.

My life is still gloomy and sad, I just push my feelings back I don't want peter fussing about me.

Maybe if my parents where more caring I won't be suffering such a trauma, *sigh*

I still have nightmare of people hitting me and any wrong move from me or anyone reminds me of all that pain, sleeping in the dark closet suffocating, choking and sobbing, after a hell beating, I swear I hate my pass.

My grasp tighten on my book, I shook my head trying to get rid of the memory, I need to think more about my future, where will I be living? I know my joy is not permanent, bad stuff always happens to me.

"Stop! Fuck you Derick!" I heard MJ screamed.

Then I spotted two boys, one with brown hair and baggy clothes holding MJ's hands at the back. Then the blond one in black jeans and purple jack, he was just an inch away from MJ's face, his hands was on her cheek and he smirk.

"Come babe," he said.

I felt my blood boiling, my heart beat pick up, I furrowed my brows, I don't know what is happen, I just feel like beating the hell out of him for coming close to MJ.

I yanked his hand away from MJ's cheek.

"What the -" he threw a punch with his second arm, I caught it and twisted it, hitting him hard on the back of his neck with my elbow. He went on his knees grabbing the back of his neck.

The dude with brown hair sent a kick, I grabbed his legs kicking his area with my leg.

He went down whining.

"Aargh! You won't fucking get away with this, I'll tell flash!" The blond yelled, I grabbed MJ hands and walk away.

When we were out of view I let go of her hand and walk my way, I was still upset with her for the slap.

I went out of sight, I grabbing my pounding chest with my sweaty and shaky hands, what's wrong with me, I feel nervous and stressed. "god," I whisper yelled.

I pulled myself together after 30 splashes of water, I walked to our table as my eyes met hers, my nervousness came back my heart beat faster, I was just numb! I couldn't move. With a little struggle I broke our eye contact, my legs felt really heavy like I had ironman suit on without technical functions, I managed to get to the table, I took a seat not daring to make eye contact with her I didn't want to embarrass myself.

I didn't participate more in the discuss, I nod or hummed in agreement, I stared at my food all the while, I could feel peter glancing at me every now and then.

"Lou, will you hang out with us after school? going to the amusement park," Peter asked.

I just nodded.

MJ opened her mouth to say something but was cut off by the bell.

I quickly pack my stuff and ran off.


I was the first out of class, it was getting boring, I already knew all what the teacher was saying, I wasn't even paying attention, I was thinking thinking and thinking non stop.

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