Chapter Fourteen: Spite & Malice

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'It's been lovely to see you guys!' Maria gave Nick and Zoë each a long hug, beaming at them, and air kissed Richard on both cheeks. 'I'm so happy for you two. And you,' she turned to Nick, 'best of luck in all your endeavours. Your band is going to be great, I just know it! Never give up, okay?' She ruffled his hair and picked up her suitcase.

'Hey, actually, let me walk you to the bus stop.' Nick smiled.

'Aww, thank you! You don't have to.'

'Well, I want to.'

Maria nodded and bid Zoë and Richard farewell, while Nick put on his coat. He took her suitcase from her and they set off towards the bus. She was catching a train from Birmingham. 'Thanks,' said Nick after a few moments. 'For listening to my rants this past week.'

'Hey, you're my nephew. Of course I'll listen. I'm just sorry I didn't get to meet you until now. You're a remarkable kid, Nick. I really do wish you all the best.' She grinned. 'Besides, if things are really shit at Josh's, maybe I'll come back and spend New Year's with you guys.' She winked.

The bus hadn't arrived yet and they stood in the snow making easy conversation when Nick, looking up, spotted a very familiar person across the street, carrying a black briefcase. He didn't see Dave's dad in town very often, but now here he was, standing stock still and staring at Maria.

Nick nudged her. 'I don't want to alarm you, but your ex is staring at us.'

She looked up at once, surprise etched on her features. 'George?'

Mr. Thompson looked indecisive, like he was about to cross the street towards them one second, and just continue on his way the next. But then, he stepped into the street and approached them.

'Morning, Mr. Thompson,' said Nick as he approached.

Dave's father looked at him as though he were something nasty at the bottom of his shoe. 'Nicholas.' Then he met Maria's gaze. 'Hello, Maria.'

'Hello, George. Are you keeping well?'

He gave a curt nod. 'What are you doing here?'

'I've been visiting my niece and nephew,' she said, smiling.

'I thought you were in South America.'

Maria shrugged. 'Got sick of it. I've moved back. Moving into a flat in London on the second of January.'

'I see.'

Nick had never seen George Thompson like this before. He looked almost shy. Was this the same man who had thrown Nick to the floor when he had discovered him with his son? The same man who had told him in no uncertain terms that Nick was never to visit his home again after Dave came out to him properly? The same man who had, for years, encouraged his son to bully Nick as much as he possibly could, and who had treated his son so harshly, had been so cold? Now he seemed nervous, almost like a schoolboy. As though seeing Maria had just thrown him back to his twenties, the fifty-year-old lawyer all but gone.

'I hear you married, that you have a son, now,' said Maria after a brief silence. 'I married too, in Brazil. We were just divorced, though, which is why I've moved back.'

'So . . .' Mr. Thompson swallowed. 'You mean, you're single?'

Maria blinked, and then she laughed. 'Don't be daft, George! It's been, what, twenty-five years?'

'That's not what I meant!' George Thompson looked positively flustered, and his voice was suddenly loud and angry. 'How dare you, you stupid bint!?'

Maria looked incredulous. 'I beg your pardon?' Just then, the bus came up the road. 'I have no idea what you're thinking right now, George, but whatever it is, let it the hell go. I hear your rivalry with my brother extended to his children? What, were you punishing themfor what happened with me? The way I remember it, youwere the one who broke off the engagement.' She turned to Nick and hugged him. 'Goodbye, Nick. See you again soon. Come visit me when I'm all settled in London, okay?'

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