Chapter Twenty-One: Loud Like Love

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The Jekyll & Hyde was as packed as it ever got when Nick arrived that night. The median age was about twenty-five, as the over thirties tended to go to one of the pubs. It was very loud. Looking around, he discovered that Matt had managed to snag a table all the way in the back, and was sitting there with Alan, Chas, and Ellie. He popped up when Nick approached and hugged him.

'You made it! Here, you can leave your coat. Go get a drink!'

Nick did as he was asked and made his way over to the bar. It was, he realised, his first night out since he had turned eighteen. Except for the concert in Sapswell, but that didn't really count, and he had only had one drink, anyway. There was a bit of a queue.

Before he had time to order, Stuart appeared at his side and gave him a one-armed hug. 'Hey! Let me buy you a drink! What would you like?'

Nick shrugged. 'Never say no to free booze. Just a beer will do, please.'

'No such thing as just a beer! I'll get you an ale!' Stuart looked happy, and for a moment Nick wondered if he was drunk, but he appeared perfectly sober.

'You're in a good mood.' Nick smiled.

'I'm out with my best friend! How could I not be in a good mood?' The bartender turned to them and Stuart ordered for them. 'Believe it or not, I don't get out much. Mostly feels like a waste of time, but not if I get to hang out with you.' They got their beers and started to make their way to the table through the crowd. 'Is Dave coming?'

'Far as I know.'

'Anything new happening, there?'

Nick couldn't help but smile, and looked down at the frothy head of his beer. 'Maybe. I mean, yes. Just don't know what yet.'

Stuart smiled wryly. 'You say that, but I think you do. Oh, he's over there!' he said as the table came into view. 'Mel too. That's great!'

'Nick!' Mel waved at him, smiling, and gave him a hug when he got close enough. 'Feels like forever, even if it's just been a few weeks, right?'

'Yeah!' Nick hugged her back and turned to Dave. He had Mandi with him, and two people Nick didn't recognise, though one of them looked vaguely familiar. Nick hugged Dave, who smelled like Dave, and turned to Mandira, whom he hadn't seen or spoken to in a year. He was pleased to find that she hugged him, too.

'It's good to see you, Nick,' she said, and looked like she meant it.

'Yeah, you too. Your parents let you out of the house, then?'

She laughed. 'Mum was upset. Dad said I'm eighteen now and should be allowed to spend time with my friends if I want to. He's picking me up at ten, though.'

Nick smiled and turned to the strangers. 'Who are your friends?'

Dave looked a bit awkward. 'Oh, erm . . . This is Patrick. And his boyfriend, Ali.'

Nick felt his smile turn slightly mechanical, but Patrick's was genuine when he reached out to shake Nick's hand. 'It's nice to finally meet you,' he said. 'Properly, I mean.'

'Er . . . likewise,' said Nick, and shook Ali's hand as well. He wasn't sure what to make of this.

Dave turned to Mel and Mandira. 'What are you guys drinking?'

'Glass of wine?' Mel sat down at the table with Stuart.

'Just a cola for me,' said Mandi and joined Mel at the table.

'Coming right up. I'll be back in a minute.'

Ali asked Patrick the same question and then disappeared in the direction of the bar as well, leaving Nick standing alone with Patrick. Nick felt like he should say something. 'So, er . . . You were the one who . . .' He trailed off.

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