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ms.yoona waved goodbye to taehyung as he walked inside of the boys dormitories. he was pulling along a duffle bag and a suitcase. ms.yoona gave him some money in case he wanted to go shopping but he figured he would use it for something else instead. 

taehyung got inside the elevator and clicked on the 7th floor. once he got to the top it was mostly empty considering he was early for check in. he walked down the long hallway before coming to a stop in front of G9, his dorm. please let my roommate be ok, he pleaded to himself before putting the keycard up to the door and walking in with a smile.

his smile immediately faded when he saw a girl straddling a young black-haired boy with only sweatpants on. "what the fuck?" the girl said. she quickly grabbed her shirt sighing and putting it on before pushing past taehyung to rush outside. the other boy sat up and smiled getting off the bed. the black-haired boy was only wearing grey sweatpants pulled down a bit to show the top os his red supreme boxers. 

"ah you must be taehyung, right?" the boy extended his hand his smile showing his bunny teeth. taehyung blushed stealing a quick glance at the latter's defined abs his eyes tracing down to the indented V before looking back into his eyes. "uh... y-yeah hi, nice to meet you."

taehyung shook the boys hand, still blushing. "i'm jungkook. also sorry about that girl. she's attached to me i can't shake her off. relatable?" taehyung shook his head no before jungkook walked back to his bed sitting on the edge and pointing to a bed with a flimsy blue mattress  across the room near a window that showed a cafe across the street. "that's your bed. make yourself at home i guess." 

taehyung was mostly quiet still flustered from the previous events. he walked to his bed putting down his stuff and started to unpack. of course. i had to get a cute playboy as a roommate. wAIT? WTF, he's not cute taehyung! we are not starting that! he mentally cursed himself while unpacking his belongings not even noticing his roommate walking over to him looking at his stuff.

"nice boxers you got." the black-haired boy laughed holding up a pair of pastel blue boxers appearing rather girlish. taehyung turned around looking at what jungkook had in his hand blushing even harder his face becoming red. 

"h-hey! put that down!" he reached out for it getting even more flustered than before. jungkook pulled the boxers away from him smiling wide all of his bunny teeth exposed. taehyung finally got a grip of his boxers pulling them out of jungkook's hand as he doubled over in laughter. 

"y-you look like a tomato!" jungkook said laughing loudly. he straightened back up before wiping his 'tears' and grinning widely. "what color are you wearing now? pink?" he started to laugh again looking at taehyung's red face.

"i'm sure you would like to know~" taehyung replied his eyes rolling to the back of his head. 

"woahh~ back off. no homo bro." jungkook's eyes widened and he held his hands up in a surrender as he backed a few steps away from taehyung. he let out some more chuckles turning around to grab a white t-shirt off of his headboard putting it on one this head. "i'm heading out. see you later dude." he walked out the door grabbing his phone and wallet. 

taehyung stood there flustered and confused. "why are the cute ones always straight?" he asked himself before busying himself with unpacking. 

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