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it was the next day, thankfully taehyung's body wasn't sore anymore. this morning when taehyung woke up he tried on one of his shirts and it felt a little tight, at least to him. when he looked in the mirror he saw himself differently than what it actually was. he took of the shirt and changed back into his oversized sunflower sweater. he heard the doorknob turn and he knew jungkook was back from hanging out with jin and jimin. "i'm back~"

"ah, welcome back." taehyung smiled, although the smile didn't exactly reach his eyes. jungkook caught this little detail.

jungkook pouted and walked closer to taehyung hugging him. "what's wrong baby?"

taehyung was confused at how jungkook knew something was wrong. "n-nothing i just tried on a shirt and it seemed a bit tight..." taehyung confessed hesitantly.

jungkook pulled away from the hug and held taheyung's shoulders lightly keeping him in place. he looked up and down taheyung's body then met his eyes again, furrowing his brow. "you think you're fat?" taehyung averted his eyes but nodded slowly.

"c-can you... help me workout?" jungkook wanted to make taehyung happy but he didn't want the blue-haired boy to hate himself. so he came up with the perfect plan once taehyung had asked.

"one, you're not fat. and two, of course. let's try doing some sit-ups, yeah?" taehyung met jungkook's eyes and nodded. the two of them went to taehyung bed. jungkook held down taehyung's feet while taehyung did sit-ups. 

"9...10..." jungkook was keeping count of how many he did. when taehynung came up on eleven jungkook leaned forward quickly pressing his lips against taehyung's. jungkook pushed taehyung back on to the bed still keeping their lips connected. jungkook wrapped his arms around the younger boy turning him on his side but still kissing him. taehyung kissed back one of him arms tangled in jungkook's luscious locks the other hand on jungkook's arm that was making it's way inside of taehyung's shorts.

taehyung pulled away from the kiss giggling, jungkook joining him. jungkook waited for the cute giggles to die down before he started speaking again. "you're not fat, you're perfect... ok baby? and if no one else will believe it, i always will." jungkook smiled leaning in for another kiss, this one short but full of meaning. "ok?"

"ok~" taehyung rolled his eyes but he smiled still holding on to jungkook. they both laid there for a minute before getting up.

"now let me spoil you with some yaksik~" jungkooks said while chuckling. 

[in the end, love yourself because you deserve it♥]

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