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taehyung woke up the next morning with a pounding headache. he sat up putting his hand on his head. "ahw~" taehyung whined pouting. he looked around the room for jungkook but couldn't find him. he looked at his clothes and noticed he had different clothes than before. slowly memories from last night slowly came back to him.

A  F E W  H O U R S  A G O

jungkook softly set taehyung down on the bed. taehyung stirred awake looking at jungkook and pouted "i don't wanna go sleepyyy~" 

jungkook laughed quietly to himself "unfortunately for you baby, you already did on our way over here." he looked at taehyung's clothes and thought he should probably change. especially since he smelled like alcohol. "stay still, m'kay?"

taehyung nodded not really caring to protest. jungkook took off taehyung's shirt and threw it across the room in his laundry basket. taehyung's soft, flat belly was exposed. you could see the outline of his abs. they weren't as toned as jungkook's but he had them.  "but hyuuungggg, it's cold." taehyung pouted.

"hold on, give me a second." jungkook then slid of taeyung's jeans. he blushed seeing the blue-haired male with nothing on but his boxers. taehyung turned to the side curling up in a ball. "ah, we aren't done." jungkook went over to his side of the room going through his drawers. he pulled out a grey sweater that had their college name on it and logo. he walked back over to the bed putting the sweater on taehyung. "there you go. warm now?" 

"mhm~" taehyung pat the spot in the bed next to him. "lay dowwnnn~" jungkook smiled at how cutely the boy was acting.

"you should get drunk more often." he went back to his side of the room for a minute changing into some more comfortable clothes. jungkook laid down in the bed with taehyung hugging him. "go to sleep, i'll see you in the morning."


taehyung blushed madly. he looked under the covers. he was still wearing his boxers and jungkook's hoodie. just then he heard the door opening and quickly put the covers back over himself. "oh, you're awake. morning." jungkook smiled, showing his bunny teeth. "i went out to the cafe and got you some breakfast. namjoon told me you liked the croissant, right?" 

"did you dress me last night?" taehyung blurted out. his face was still red. jungkook blushed lightly the scenes of taehyung's body coming back to him.

"uh yeah. sorry~ i didn't want you to wake up uncomfortable." taehyung nodded. 

"i-it's fine... anyways yeah, that is my favorite." taehyung showed his boxy smile. he got up almost falling but he caught himself. the sweater came down to his mid-thigh. it was enough to cover his boxers. "i have a huge headache~" taehyung whined pouting. he walked over to jungkook taking the plate from him. 

"you have a hangover, tae~"

"a what now?" jungkook laughed. he walked over to the bed to sit with taehyung while he ate his breakfast.

"you drank to much last night. you were so drunk. you know,  you're cute when you're drunk." warmth filled taehyung's cheeks and he looked away from jungkook. "it wasn't bad. you were adorable~ i mean like not that you aren't now but... it was amusing to watch."

"i get it! i was cute!" taehyung was blushing like crazy. he wanted jungkook to stop before his whole body became red. jungkook laughed and pinched taehyung's cheek smiling. the two weren't dating because they weren't sure about their feelings, but they sure acted like it. taehyung continued eating. there was still a light pink tint on his cheeks. "don't we have our date today?"

jungkook smiled and nodded "yep! i'm excited~" taehyung smiled with him and nodded his head showing he felt the same. taehyung heard his phone go off so he decided to check it. it was a text from namjoon.

namjoon: i heard about you and jungkook.

taehyung: oh?

namjoon: he's a good kid. oh i told jimin about and he wanted me to tell you he ships it.

taehyung blushes looking at his phone before he texted back.

taehyung: yeah~ today we have a date with each other.

namjoon: nice. there is one thing i wanted to tell you though if you guys do end up together...

taehyung: ?

namjoon: make sure to use protection ;) 

taehyung immediately put down his phone his face becoming red again. "you ok?" jungkook asked. 

taehyung swallowed hard and bit his bottom lip. "mhm~" 

"who were you texting? let me seeeee~" he reached for taehyung's phone but he quickly put it against his chest.

"n-no! you can't see!"

jungkook sighed "you know... i didn't think it would have to come to this..."

"wha-?" taehyung started before jungkook swiftly pushed him down on the mattress and started tickling him. 

taehyung wiggled around laughing loudly "s-stop! haha~" jungkook smiled showing his bunny teeth and kept tickling the latter. taehyung tossed his phone to the other side of the bed. jungkook stopped tickling him and reached for the phone sitting back up. taehyung sat up as well gasping for air.

jungkook unlocked taehyung's phone with a wide smile on his face. he saw the text from namjoon and immediately broke out into laughter. "oh my god namjoon hyung!" taehyung let out a few cute giggles. what taehyung didn't know was that jungkook got hard thinking of taehyung whining beneath him as he fucked the sensitive blue-haired boy into the sheets. 

'goddamn it hyung.' jungkook thought.

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