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another week had passed of endless studying for taehyung and test. it wasn't midterms or anything but it was an exam week. the good news was that after this class was over, it was break. taehyung looked at the clock ticking. he tapped his pen against the desk and bounced his leg up and down. he bit down on his bottom lip until he heard the professor dismiss them. taehyung bolted out of the classroom practically running across the lawn to his dorm. tonight was supposed to be kai's party A.K.A jungkook and taehyung's movie night. 

on his way back taehyung ran into jimin. "what's the rush?" jimin laughed. 

"movie night with kookie~"  taehyung said excitedly. jimin almost choked. 

"ohhhhh~ i see." jimin winked at taehyung. taehyung furrowed his brows tilting his head to the side. "no, not catching on...?" taehyung shook his head no. "oh taehyung, you're so pure."


"sex! duh!" jimin said it like it was a fact. taehyung put his hands over jimin's mouth.

"shhh! and no, not that at all! we're just having a movie night."

"uh-huh...surreee" jimin said smirking once taehyung took his hands off of his mouth. "well here's a little tip. just let it happen. it'll feel like shit as first but...it gets better." memories of yoongi on top of jimin came flooding back to jimin's head. he let out a content sigh at the thought of it.

"don't tell me- you've... you've done it?" taehyung asked his brows furrowing.

"of course! hell, when yoongi and i first started dating. like two months after. wait... you're a virgin?"

"well gotta go, bye!" taehyung blushed hard quickly running down the hall to his room.

"hey wait, you didn't answer me!" jimin called after him but taehyung kept running.

taehyung swung open the door to their dorm smiling when he heard the shower running. 'he's already here'  taehyung thought. he went ahead and put down his stuff changing before jungkook came out of the shower. he took a shower this morning so he didn't take one now. he laid back on his bed, exhaling, and almost falling asleep until he heard the bathroom door open.

"ah, you're already here. i know it's break but i have a bit of work to get to before we start our movie night, alright?

"fine by me~" taehyung sat up smiling happily at jungkook. he blushed when he saw that jungkook was shirtless with just black nike sweatpants on. taehyung had on jungkook's thin-but still warm- yellow sweater with exercise shorts.

"nice, i'll try to be fast but it might take me at least an hour." taehyung nodded and grabbed his phone off of the desk.

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